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RIKU COULDN'T HELP THE RELIEVED SIGH THAT ESCAPED HER LIPS AS THEY DISEMBARKED FROM THE YACTH HER AND HER CLASSMATES REQUESTED TO RENT. She was okay for the most part. No motion-sickness, no headaches -- just a slight churn in her stomach from all that food. But aside from that, it was safe to say that Riku was feeling fine.

Sadly, our protagonist couldn't say the same for her homeroom teacher, though.

Pained whimpers left Koro-sensei's mouth, his face had already turned blue right before they even docked, using a long-ass stick for support Koro-sensei walked along with everyone on the strong wooden path that led to a small cozy hut. 

"Okay, Koro-sensei," Maehara smiled. "We will begin once dinner is over."

Sugaya pointed to the half-sphered-shaped straw hut. "The meeting place is this way."

And almost instantly, Koro-sensei inflated himself, returning to his usual healthy color as his grin broadened. "It's an annex of the hotel."

Riku cracked her neck to the side, the feeling of her two pistols strapped around the band of her denim shorts not making a sound, although it was an uncomfortable feeling.  "A floating chapel," Riku said, cracking her neck to the other side.

The interior of the said place was much more, how can one describe it...grand, maybe? With towering LED lights that are attached to the straw walls top to bottom, the tips leading up to the center of the small dome, Riku wanted nothing more than to gauge her eyes out due to how bright it all was.

Riku could feel the adrenaline rushing through everyone's veins as they all watched Koro-sensei closely. Not a single movement missed from those sharp violet-blue orbs of hers as she crossed her arms and leaned her back to the wall. Waiting patiently for everything to play out. 

In the middle of everything were several wooden chairs that were, believe it or not, quite comfy to sit on. A small Television was set up to the back of the room, where Okajima and Mimura stood close-by.

"Take a seat, Koro-sensei." Okajima insisted with a tight smile. 

"There's no escape for you here," Isogai stated confidently.

Mimura's statement followed. "An ideal place for assassins." The orange-haired boy said, a T.V remote in hand. 

A cheeky smile made its way to Okajima's lips. "We'll start by watching a movie."

His hat casts a light shadow over Koro-sensei's face. "Your knowledge, diligence, and sincere efforts..." Koro-sensei began to say. "...is what I enjoy most."

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