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"RIKU! HERE, WEAR THIS MASK." Okuda said, handing the lavender head the clinic material as soon as Riku returned from the resort's main lobby, to which the taller girl put on immediately.

"Seeing as you are already here, I think it's safe for me to assume the others already went?" Takebayashi was the next to approach our female protagonist. And Riku responded with a firm nod, fixing her mask's strings and hooking it more securely behind her ears.

"They'll be okay, right?" Okuda started to showcase her worried feelings to her other two classmates. "Everyone...they'll be able to get the cure, right?"

Snatching a bucket filled with plastic bags filled with ice, Riku walked towards the first row of her sick classmates before answering Okuda's question. "They have the teachers with them. Have faith, Manami." Nakamura groaned when Riku suddenly placed the pack of ice on top of her forehead. "They'll be counting on us for taking care of things here, too."

Riku looked over her shoulder, glancing over the smaller girl before turning her gaze back to her blonde-haired classmate. "So, let's all work hard."

After hearing what Riku said, a sense of determination found its way to her heart as she clenched the hot and wet towel in her hands. A smile stretching across her lips, nodding eagerly, "Hm!"

After hearing Okuda's response, Riku went back to work. Getting up from her spot next to Nakamura, she went around to the next person lying beside the blonde, who was Mimura. And since he already had an ice pack on his head, Riku decided to check whether or not if the ice needed to be changed.

Nodding to herself, Riku stood up. Mimura's pack could still last longer. 

"How about you, Riku?" The said girl turned her head to see Takebayashi wiping Hazama's arm with a warm towel. 

He was already looking at her, and at his gaze she merely raised an eyebrow, silently asking him what he meant by that.

The boy sighed, lifting his glasses higher onto his nose bridge carefully before turning his body fully towards her. "You have mentioned earlier that you yourself had an intake of the drink's contents earlier. Do you feel dizzy by any chance?'

Catching the wind, Riku shook her head in a no manner.

"I feel fine." She simply stated before going back to her share of work.

But Takebayashi was a little more reluctant. "Are you certain? You can lie down with the others, as you said, we may never know when--"

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