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RIKU GAPED IN SURPRISE, DEFINITELY NOT EXPECTING HER RED-HAIRED best friend to appear oh-so-out-of-the-blue. And not in the middle of class!


His mercury-gold eyes met her violet-blue ones as a familiar smirk played on his lips, milk box in hand as he stood coolly at the top of the staircase.

"Yow, Nagisa-kun. Riku." Karma greeted as everyone stopped to look at the red-head. "It's been a while."

Riku raised an eyebrow, we just saw each other over the weekend, you dumbass.

Kayano looked at her lavender-haired classmate, who was still looking up at Karma with a semi-worried expression on her face. "E-Eto, Riku-chan. Do you know him?"

"Karma-kun. You're finally back." Nagisa's voice made Riku snap out of her trance, dropping the look she had on immediately.

Karma gave them a close-eyed smile as he descended the steps to greet them. Riku silently wondered if he would trip.

He approached Riku first, casually throwing an arm over her shoulder as he smiled at her "I hope you didn't miss me too much, princess."

A tick mark appeared on her head, ignoring the teasing remarks coming from Nakamura and their gossiper of a homeroom teacher, Riku remained silent as she stared up at him with a mixed expression of annoyance and confusion.

She should be happy. Her best friend was back from his suspension, of course, she should be happy (-ish).

So, why?

Why is she feeling worried?

Seeing as Riku would not reply to him anytime soon, Karma transferred his attention to the yellow-glob being standing behind them, writing something on a worn-out notebook.

"Ehhh~" Karma walked over to the yellow being "Is this the legendary Koro-Sensei? He looks exactly like an octopus."

Everyone's eyes followed him as he stood in front of their homeroom teacher. While everyone's eyes were filled with curiosity...Riku's were calculative.

What is he up to?

"Aren't you Karma Akabane?" Koro-sensei lifted his finger as if it was a guessing game.

"I heard your suspension ends today. You shouldn't be late on your first day of class, though." Their homeroom teacher added, his face turning purple with a giant X mark appearing on his face.

Is that why he didn't reply to my texts last night? Riku wondered aloud in her head before mentally pouting, damn it! He was supposed to help me with my game!

Karma laughed loudly, before looking over his shoulder, his eyes instantly connecting with Riku's. "I didn't want to come here at all. But then..." Karma's sentence trailed off. Riku would have to carry the burden of hiding a secret from me even longer...He finished in his sadistic mind.

HER GAMER'S GUIDE. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now