•You don't understand•

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It had been a month since Aaron was at his awards evening, a month since the secret with Harry was sealed and a month further into rehearsals.

Fred had gone back to New York and it was just you, Karli, Aaron and Harry supervising the rehearsals however you had been joined by Sonja a for two weeks previous to really buckle down on the show.

It was starting to turn from summer to winter in Australia and with temperatures dropping you found more and more reasons to go to the gym and go for a run to
1) keep you mind clear
2) keep in shape
3) the gym sessions that turned into coffee dates with Harry at his apartment were getting far too common and you don't mind it at all. It was a place you could tell him all your worries and fears without feeling like you were less.

Since aaron was nominated in November for his Tony you were obviously so proud and happy of him because he genuinely deserved it so much. It had been a long wait for him, however the constant articles and interviews he was doing pushed you aside and there was less and less time together without him planning, writing or recording. When you came out to Australia you felt as though it was your escape from it all, it gave you and Aaron space to focus on what you had to do. That's why when you were asked to help choreograph in Melbourne you couldn't turn it down.

The last few weeks had also seen Aaron get very defensive and he raised his voice once the other week which scared you, it could have been stress but it doesn't give him an excuse to take it out on you.

"Mia, can you go grab lunch?" Aaron asked as he walked out to your balcony where you were sat watching the show and making notes.
"Sorry what?" You said as you didn't hear from your earphones.
"Can you go and grab some lunch? Please?" He asked again completely fine with having to repeat.
"Aaron I'm busy at the moment, can you not order? I need to finish these notes up" you said putting down your pen
"Well I have an interview in 15 minutes with Ricky and Robyn." He said looking for your answer to change
"Then order it, I'm sure that would be faster wouldn't it?" You said calmly as you put your headphones back on
"Fine, won't be that when you go for a run.." he mumbled just loud enough as he walked back inside
"Aaron!" You said with a stern tone. He turned slowly and you knew he rolled his eyes. "I have a life too! I'd just like to remind you I'm the one running this whole thing, you just decided to join me for a holiday" you said standing to step inside
"A holiday?! It's not a holiday when we spend every day near enough at the studio, when I choose to join you. I'd appreciate a bit of respect" he replied with an equal tone
"Respect? Who the fuck do you think you are now!" You shouted as you stepped close to him with tears hiding behind your eyes.
"Watch your fucking language with me. You would be nowhere without me"
"Ugh! That's the whole thing! Can't you see it! You think I'd be nowhere without you?!" You said stunning to face the balcony again to hide the tears now starting to fall from the way he spoke "and I got this job here and my track in the show before knowing anything about you god damn!"
"And we are supposed to be getting married this year" he said in such a mono tone voice, staring at the back of your head

You didn't reply. You still stood facing the window and you found yourself twisting your ring on your finger from that trip to Paris.

"They said we were the real Satine and Christian" you managed to say between small sniffles. "I think-"
You started to say but you couldn't get your words out.

That's when you felt a cold hand snake across your back and around your waist sending you shivers

"Don't touch me" you said quickly pulling away as you walked to the bedroom to grab your shoes, phone, AirPods and bag before going to leave.

"Mia.." Aaron said wanting you to listen
You completely blanked him "I'm going for a run"
"That's another thing!" He shouted again and you jumped from the change, it made you turn around and for the first time Aaron saw the tears staining your cheeks.
"You go for runs every other day nearly, runs lasting two hours sometimes and you still struggle to get through one dance when we are at rehearsals. I don't get it" he said laughing sarcastically
"I go for runs to clear my head and get some fresh air, I dance my heart out that's why.." you said as you very quickly made your way from the door closing it behind you to avoid anymore questions.

As you quickly paced down the hallway to the elevator, you could feel the air conditioning drying your tears and cooling you down, you couldn't go for a run like this and Karli was in Sydney with her sister, there was only one place you could go...

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