• One year on •

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Trigger warning: domestic abuse (mild)
To skip do not read between the 🖤 this is quite a dark chapter in some bits so please feel free to skip parts you don't want to read

Time had flown since you had last updated people like robyn and Ricky about the world tour and as it was coming to a close in LA you would only have a few more weeks left of being Satine. It broke your heart to think that a role you sacrificed so much for would end, just like that.

A few shows had emailed asking you to audition such as Lion King, Wicked and Hamilton but you just didn't fancy it. You weren't ready for a whole new show yet. Things had been steady with Harry but it was nothing spectacular. Of course you loved being with him but sometimes everyday just seemed too repetitive with him. The excitement you had the first part of the year had gone and all you really wanted to happen was things to go back how they were 4 years ago now, no drama, no bother.

"15 minutes till places" you heard over the dressing room speaker as you sat having your wig pinned in.
"One more show then sleep" you said out loud to your dresser as you put your phone on charge. As you plugged it in and it lit up a text from robyn popped up

Robyn: "It's my time to go"
You: "you what? Where are you going? Are you ok? Do you need help? Do I need to call Ricky?"
Robyn: "I'm doing my final bow on the 20th February."

That would be just over a month from now, two days after you finish your run as Satine.

You: "wtf no! Have they already casted someone for you?"
Robyn: "auditions going up tonight for it"
You: "you can't leave! No! Your the mama of the show. Danny and now you? Who's leaving next? The elephant?!"
Robyn: "I've done my run, it's someone else's go now. I need time with my family but I can't wait for my next challenge"
You: "I'm so sorry I haven't been in contact more. I feel so guilt. I finish here in La two days before the 20th, can I come and watch your final show? I'll be back in New York anyway then."
Robyn: "oh course I'm reserving some tickets tomorrow before the news officially comes out"
You: "thank you so much, I have really missed you. I'm at places now so I'll speak to you after."
Robyn: "go get em chicken <3"

No way could she leave, she birthed Nini and no one can do what she does, the boots needing to be filled would be too big for a nobody.

— two days later —

The thought of Robyn leaving the Broadway run was crazy but that's how shows work, everyone has to leave at some point. You had been in contact with Ricky to see how he was doing in response to Robyn leaving  and he was heartbroken too.

"I'm thinking of heading back to newyork after we finish. I'm going to see Robyn at her final show" You said to Harry as he walked in from the bathroom
"Erm.. ok" he said confused "what's made you want to go?"
"She's my best friend, she taught me so much about this show"
"What about Aaron being there?" He assertively asked
"I'm obviously not going to pay attention am I. The last thing I want is contact with him." You said flicking through your phone "he moved on too you know"


"I know that but my job is to protect you, your future and how people see you" he said stepping closer to take your hand
"No one will see me any different than a friend going to support her best friend at her final show" you replied
"You will only hurt yourself going back. Back to Broadway and back to him" he said fighting his grip
"I'm not going fucking back to him! Nothing is going to happen. Nothing! If I wanted him back I could walk in there and take him back straight away" you hissed standing up facing Harry
"I'm going for a walk. Think about what you just said to me" he said as he grabbed your wrist so tight you could feel the pins and needles settling in. He pulled it up as you winced before throwing it back down making you stumble back.

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