•Christmas Films•

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The months had passed. From spring to summer although you had had several days of rain you were both finally leaving the city to go and film a new Hallmark Christmas film which Aaron was starring in.

"Bag?" You asked
"Yes" he replied
"Dog food?"
"Umm good point we need to take that." Aaron said the in on his heel to fetch miles bowl and food bag.

Where you were filming was only a ten minute drive away from a holiday house centre so the film company had rented out several houses for the cast and crew.

Laura Osnes was Aaron's co-Star for the film and you hadn't seen her in ages! The last time you were both together was when you went to the opening night of the grease revival opening night part all those years ago, that was also the first time meeting robyn until you later did Chicago with her.

"Ready?" Aaron asked as he got miles into his lead
"Ready" you replied. You was so grateful to finally be out of the apartment and be in the outdoors for the next few weeks. You wouldn't be in the film but you would be acting as Aaron's assistant while Laura's cousin was acting as hers as she was staying with her already. It made life easier if they had people who were quarantined with them to be PAs rather than bringing more risks and people onto the set.

When you arrived after about an hours drive which was very quiet once again you pulled up to a wood cabin lodge opposite a lake and Laura and a few others were there already.

"Oh my gosh!" She screamed as she ran down the steps to give you a hug.
"I've not seen you in ages! How have you been?" You replied
"Amazing! Busy, but amazing. I'm so sorry about how sick you guys were"
"Oh no worries it's all done now and at least we are safe. We've all been tested anyways before coming here so guess we are all a bubble now? Ahaha"

"Aaron! Oh gosh I haven't seen you since New Year 2017 wasn't it?" She said giving him a hug too.
"Yes it's been ages, everything has been so busy the past three years especially with moulin rouge"
"I know, I need to come to the show once it's all back up running. Congratulations to you both too!"
"Thank you" you both replied in sync like usual.
"Annnddd here is miles..." Aaron said letting him out of the back of the car as he got so excited and started to jump up.
"Who's a beautiful boy? Yes you are yes you are!" She said as miles got friendly with the new people around him.

As you brought the final things in and got set up for the next few weeks Aaron went to grab a shower while you put the clothes on hangers and wrote out some schedulals for shooting that you needed to arrange transport for.

"So mia, I was going to cook tonight if you guys want to come over to ours? We can have a few drinks, play some board games and catch up"
"That would be great honestly. I'll let aaron know once he gets out the shower. We should be over for 7 let's say?"
"Yes of course and bring miles! We can't have him left out can we ahha"
"That dog is spoilt and he knows ur himself ahah" you replied.

Dinner couldn't of been better, spaghetti bolagnase with fries and salad with a bottle of wine you had brought up.
"Well. Laura. That was the best spaghetti I've had" you said sitting back absolutely stuffed.
"Better than my cooking?" Aaron said acting offended as he grabbed your leg to tickle you
"Maybe...mmm no yours is special, it's different" you joked as you intertwined your hands looking into those damn blue eyes like the first time.
"Get a room!!!" Brad shouted as everyone burst out laughing at his remark.
"We already do.." Aaron replied before something you with small kisses
"It's like being back at the rouge with Ricky and Tams usual comments ahah" you laughed through
"Aw hopefully not long and you can be back" Laura said as she started to move the dishes and you got up to help "Oh sit down, your our guests tonight"
"No I need to be doing something, I went in last month to grab some things from the theatre and I tried my corset on... it doesn't fit" you whispered
"You won't be the only one I bet it will only take you a day to get back into it! Look at you, your so slim and ripped! You wanna try me in one, no way!" She laughed
"They aren't the easiest if things to dance in"
"I've seen your pictures they look very restraining"
"I still remember the first time I tried mine on I was like oh this is very... well... small ahah"
"I think we should play a game of broadway monopoly to get back into the mood of the shows" Laura said and you looked at her confused.
"Yes! Let me show you guys!"

Laura's spent a lot of her quarantine time doing DIY crafts and this was her latest invention. As you say around the round table like the nights of Arthur she explained that the rules were the same but the situations and names were different.
"Ok so, the rules are the same to start with. Each place has a theatre name and you can buy the show and then the theatre as if you're buying a house then hotel. All ok so far?"
"Yep" you all replied.
"The chances squares are still chances but are changed to the new names and eg 'pay $400 for a new pair of Laducas'. Jail is now tech week, free parking is waiting in the wings and go to jail is being told you have tech week."
"I'd rather be in jail" Aaron said
"I agree I'm not a fan of tech week after the first two days" Laura replied.

"So I've just changed a few things but you will get the hang of it as you go along. There is trivia questions in from all the shows so any moulin rouge ones I'm expecting you both to get right ahaha" she replied as you were ready to start the game.

It ended up lasting for over four hours and when you looked at you watch it was 2:33am.
"Oh shoot! You guys have filming tomorrow morning at 10"
"Is it's really that late? We better get off to bed then" Laura and Brad said as you all burst out laughing from how late it was and how much you all had to drink.
"Goodnight you guys. We will see you bright and early in the morning" you said
"Goodnight see you all later" Aaron replied standing up next to you ready to leave.

Your cabin was only across from theirs. Not even 20 steps away.

"Home. For now I guess" you said sitting on the edge of your bed
"Yes, it will be good to get some fresh air. I was thinking of staying with my parents for a few weeks later to have a break?" Aaron suggested.
"Yeah sounds like a good plan. I need a rest."
"Well let's get some sleep now and then be up early tomorrow. I'll drive everyone to set."
"Okidoki." You replied now panned out laying on your back.
"That means you have to get into your night clothes Mia ahah" Aaron replied tackling you on your side
"I know mr Tveit I'm just taking in the moment of us being away together in the US away from NY the first time."
"Your adorable. You really are. But even more so if you get changed and get here next to me"
"Hold your horses and I'll be there"

As you finally turned off the lights and crept under the heavy duvet and closed the space between you both Aaron whispered something you hadn't heard his say before, it was a lyric from catch me if you can.

"Because home is where you are..." he whispered

New beginnings (Aaron Tveit) Where stories live. Discover now