Trusting you again is hard.

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   Yugi walked to Xiao Feng's room and saw that the girls had finished healing her.

The girls bowed and left him alone with her as he walked up to her bed. "Anne... it's weird to call you that... I don't know if you are her but...all I know is that she smells like you..." Yugi said before kissing her hand and then leaving her to sleep.

Xiao Feng woke up as the sun hit her eyes as it peeked through the curtains.

After getting dressed she went to Eva's room to talk to her. "Eva what are you doing?" Xiao Feng asked as she peeked through the door to see if she was there.

"Didn't I say I didn't want to be bother... oh it's you Xiao Feng come in." Eva said as she opened the door.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Feng asked. "Just a recipe I'm working on." Eva answered as she returned to her desk.

"Aren't recipes worked in the kitchen?" Xiao Feng said as she leaned her head to the side.

"Um... magic recipe." Eva clarified while Xiao Feng made an acknowledgment noise.

"Is there anything you need?" Eva asked not turning to pay attention to Xiao Feng.

"What are these jars?" Xiao Feng asked as she looked at the closely. "Spells don't touch them." Eva turned around and Xiao Feng leaned back.

"Wait so you're telling me this one that says breathable is a spell?" Xiao Feng asked. "It's like when someone throws a gas bomb, you know you can't breathe there that spell can help you breathe with no problem also you can use it to swim underwater." Eva explained.

"Does it work in Valindria?" Xiao Feng asked. "For few days only unlike other environments I still need to work on finding a way to elongate how the spells work." Eva explained.

Xiao Feng opened the jar carefully and dropped five pills on a little pouch she had then hid it.

"So how you make them work or you drop them in the floor?" Xiao Feng asked as she slid the container back into place. "Eat them like candy." Eva said bluntly.

"Turn people into horses really?" Xiao Feng pointed at the jar and Eva chuckled at her.

"Curious little Xiaofa what are you planning?" Eva asked giving her, her full attention. "Turning Kaiba into a horse would be great." Xiao Feng smiled before laughing loudly.

"Come on Xiaofa we wouldn't like a talking horse with a temper like Kaiba to be running around don't you?" Eva said trying to hold her laughter.

"Fine I know you're in charge of taking things to Yuan Chun today I can cover for you I need to have some words with her." Xiao Feng confessed.

"Ah that's why you're here for... all right I'll clear this morning and half of the afternoon for you in the company just for doing that favor." Eva said smiling.

"Deal also I know you don't want to go out side your room so you won't face Murat." Xiao Feng teased before running away so Eva won't yell at her.

Xiao Feng went down the stairs and felt an ice cold stare looking up at her. As soon as she looked down she brought her face back up when she saw who that stare belonged to.

Atem was looking up to Xiao Feng from where he was sitting on the couch. "Stop staring it's making her uncomfortable." Yugi whispered.

Atem shifted his gaze in front of him to Mai who was happily chatting with Téa, Miyun, and Ender. "Still don't believe I had a past with Mai I mean she's pretty and all but not really my type." Atem sighed and looked around trying to focus his attention to anyone else but his attention drifted back to Xiao Feng.

The Warrior Princess and The Pharaoh of the Millennium PuzzleWhere stories live. Discover now