New way of training

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   Xiao Feng arrived to the villa and walked to the garden and met up with Zira, Alexa, Azra, Lavinia, Levent, Murat, Yasin, and Kerem who were accompanying Nurgül and Yuan Shaui. "Brother, sister I missed you so much." Xiao Feng ran up to them and hugged them. "We missed you too so the day of training him has come well Yuan Shaui here quite leveled up his chi in order to demonstrate it without problem." Nurgül said proudly.

"Elder sister you're making me blush." Yuan Shaui covered his smile with his hand shyly. "Well I know you both do well after all you're my siblings." Xiao Feng said proudly and they all laughed. "They must be arriving now remember your name is Gu Xiaowu to them and Nurgül you're...." Xiao Feng stopped explaining as she felt blank on not making up a name for her so not even Darkus finds about her. "Asura." Nurgül said as her eyes light up. "Oh... but there's a problem Kaiba knows our names." Nurgül said as she stopped Xiao Feng from walking away.

"Don't worry Kaiba isn't moving with them he's busy trying to get his company back and courting Ishizu Ishtar or spending time with her at least." Xiao Feng explained and both Nurgül and Yuan Shaui relaxed. They walked back inside the villa and saw Aya walking towards them. "I went ahead told them to choose their room while you guys talked." Aya informed. "Well it will keep them distracted for a bit." Xiao Feng said.

"Sultana and prince nice seeing you're well." Aya bowed. "Of course Aya without you these two wouldn't even be here." Nurgül said as she went up and hugged her. "My Sultana it was my duty Sultana Amunet wanted them to survive and saw that their future was bright." Aya said as she blushed. "Thank you any ways for taking care for also knowing him she probably also has an attitude and might be impulsive at times." Nurgül said as she turned to Yuan Shaui who looked around the hall.

"I have nothing to say about that your highness your majesty." Aya said bowing. "Ah yes forgot." Nurgül said winking. "Let's go greet our new guest into their new home shall we?" Nurgül suggested and everyone agreed.

Yugi and the others came back from claiming their rooms to see Zander and the others waiting. They saw them bow as Sümbül scrambled across to the living room and cleared his throat. "Devletli İsmetli Haseki Xiao Feng büyük valide sultan Aliyyetü'ş-Şân Hazretleri! Devletli İsmetli Haseki Asura büyük valide sultan Aliyyetü'ş-Şân Hazretleri! Devletli İsmetli şehzade Gu Xiaowu Aliyyetü'ş-Şân Hazretleri!" ("Attention your majesty Xiao Feng mother Sultan is here bow!Attention your majesty Asura mother sultan is here please bow! Attention your majesty prince Gu Xiaowu is here please bow!") Sümbül ağa yelled as he bowed.

Everyone bowed except Atem stood his ground looking at Xiao Feng then glared at Yuan Shaui as soon as he saw him. "Thank you Sümbül you must be the famous pharaoh Atem." Nurgül said as she mini bowed and Atem bowed his head in acknowledgement. "Ah I see the pharaoh who was brought the dead." Yuan Shaui said as he looked at him then turned to Yugi. "And you must be Yugi Mouto I'm intrigued your skills in dueling are good but are you as good with your deck as you are with your sword?" Yuan Shaui asked as he shook his hand.

"Hehe I am getting good at it, I wasn't that good when I started though." Yugi said shyly. "Haha no one is except for her maybe and me hmm but we can leave that to debate later." Yuan Shaui said as he pointed to Xiao Feng and Xiao Feng laughed. "So you guys know each other?" Atem asked jealous evidently in his voice. "Of course it's like if were would've been born from the same womb at the same time!" Yuan Shaui joked and Xiao Feng's guard's paled.

"But of course we didn't we don't share mothers let alone state yet we are immortal." Yuan Shaui said as he walked away from them towards Nurgül and Xiao Feng. "This is my elder sister Asura we are from a state within Valindria well province or kingdom?." Yuan Shaui looked at Nurgül for help "It was called Bodrum grand citadel it was the trading center between Insomnia two kingdoms within Bodrum that lived in peace till the heavens mandate happened." Nurgül explained.

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