As Time passes

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    Xiao Feng before dinner got out the infirmary followed by Jackson and walked to the dinning room where everyone was there mostly recovered by now. Miraz as soon as he saw Xiao Feng walked up to her and tried stopping her. "Your highness you should be resting." Miraz protested. "I'm fine Miraz, I see everyone is here anyways we will be leaving now." Xiao Feng said as she looked at her group and they got up the chairs. "Why don't you stay?" Mai asked. "We've put you in much danger as it is now you will continue training under the elders and Yugi under special instruction." Xiao Feng explained as she looked at them and they all looked at her.

"Now with that been said we bid farewell, Gu Xiaowu and Asura it's late I don't want you guys to run into trouble going home." Xiao Feng said as Yuan Shaui and Nurgül got up and hugged her goodbye. "Take care call us if you need us okay?" Nurgül whispered into Xiao Feng's ear and Xiao Feng nodded. "Well it will take a while when we will return to see how much you guys progress so you guys better train hard." Jackson explained as he gave a thumbs up to them. They walked to the living room and Eva, Ace, Aya, and Zira opened a portal and Xiao Feng and her group walked through leaving the elder assassins to look after Yugi, the pharaoh, and their friends.

After dinner Yuan Shaui and Nurgül said goodbye to Yugi and his friends except for the pharaoh who excused himself early from the room since he couldn't stand Yuan Shaui's presence. "I wonder what face would the pharaoh make when he finds out I'm his actual real brother in law." Yuan Shaui joked as he and Nurgül arrived in their home. "Yuan Shaui you know it's not the for him to find out and he's the last one to find out other than Darkus please." Nurgül said as she rubbed her temples. "Of course sister, I just find it funny he hates me when I'm practically the splitting image of Xiao Feng but a guy since I'm her twin." Yuan Shaui laughed.

"You guys aren't that look alike calm down but I get what you mean." Nurgül said as she rolled her eyes. "Well he's going to have to put up with me all this time I'm training Yugi since we're going to be seeing each other from here on out." Yuan Shaui said as he popped his back. "Ugh tell me about it." Nurgül groaned a she stretched.

Meanwhile as Xiao Feng and the group made it back home they all went to their room with their partners or to the infirmary to take care of their wounds more. "I feel exhausted!" Ace yelled as he stumbled and Chu Qiao helped him around. "Eva careful with the stairs I know you must've strained yourself making the portal." Murat said as he helped her up. "Carry her you idiot." Ivy said as she helped Vedat up the stairs with Bülbül ağa's help.

"If I wasn't injured myself then yes." Murat said as he huffed along the way. Jackson grunted a-bit due to his injuries but swept Xiao Feng under his arms and carried her up the stairs. "Learn from him he's that's why he's called a hero indeed!" Ivy boasted. "Shut up!" Jackson commented as he passed them. "You know very well I can walk on my own." Xiao Feng laughed. "Yes but I prefer that you don't." Jackson said as he smiled at her while she rolled her eyes. "Show off." Kerem commented as he walked up the stairs. "Let's go inside before they all get jealous and you get more injured." Xiao Feng said laughing.

Once everyone was asleep Yuan Shaui stirred in his bed as he dreamnt he was walking a golden corridor adorned with white silky curtains. He never seen this corridor in his life and why was he walking like he had a purpose here. "Yuan Shaui!" Yelled a feminine voice making him stop as he saw the woman on the other side. "Yuan Shaui father told us to gather up front in the imperial chamber he's going to announce who's going to be the crown prince or princess hurry!" The girl pulled on her arm but Yuan Shaui pushed her away.

"Get off!" Yuan Shaui yelled panicked not knowing who she was. "Brother why are you being like this?! It's me Jinmi your twin sister!" Yuan Shaui backed away almost stumbled away from her as she reached out to him again. "You're walking Xiao Feng's steps do not disturb them." A voice said in his head making him stop as Jinmi put her hand on his forehead. "Brother you're acting weird did you hit your head at the campaign? Where you thrown down by a horse?" Jinmi asked. "Don't be silly." Yuan Shaui said annoyed as he took her hand off him and walked past her.

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