Chapter 17: Ranks

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Author: this is an ENGLISH novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*Inside of school*

*9:00 AM*

               Wang lei talks about the three student that residing in the swamp, Xiao ling is shocked and hurried her staff and wanted to rescue the children, Wang lei explain the situation, "You better calm down, I'm the one that give them the trial," Xiao ling hear this and shouted to Wang lei, "Are you kidding me! The children is in danger because of you!"

          Wang lei laughs and said to Xiao ling, "This is the trial of hunters mentality, this is one of cultivation techniques, the one that probably protects them is their own element, this way they will be more familiar to their own element, this is the pattern of cultivation in thousand gods era, so don't panic" 

            Xiao ling shocked to hear this to Wang lei, and eventually calms down, she sit on the sofa and talks about the method, "Grand master lei, can you tell me what's the element of the three, so that I have an excuse to their parents, if their some visit" 

           Wang lei sits and talks about the element of the three, Wang lei changes his class to dream magician, and said to Xiao ling," Meditate first and I show you the power of the three students, and the Xiao pao powers," Xiao ling begins to meditate. Wang lei cast the spell, "Dream show window" Xiao ling begins to see Wang lei at her head.

*Xiao ling head*

        Xiao ling is confused and ask Wang lei, "Grand master lei, what is this?" Wang lei explain to her, "This is the appraisal show window, a technique using the Ki to it's fullest potential, for now I'll explain to you how powerful Xiao pao really is"

            Wang lei make a gesture of *come* and Xiao ling follows, while their walking at Xiao ling consciousness, there's some unknown warrior wearing a mask, Xiao ling get her fighting stance, Wang lei said to Xiao ling, "Calm down, this is the illusion created by me," 

            Xiao ling understood but she feels some menacing killing intent to that figure," This is the warrior that came from the thousand gods era, their sect called the lightening phoenix sect, this sect wears a mask that can say a by rank, that warrior is only at the bottom level of the rank, but his cultivation is king cultivation," 

           Xiao ling is not familiar to the ranking of the thousand gods era, so she ask Wang lei, "Grand master lei, what is the king cultivation? Rather how powerful it is?" Wang lei thinks and said to her," 10x more powerful than your grandfather" Xiao ling has a weak knees already and point towards to the figure,"10x! are you kidding me grandmaster lei! How powerful are the thousand gods era cultivators really is?"

           Wang lei respond, "Well, I can kill that figure in my days, most likely I can kill him without using my fingers, so they called the 5 elders that has the power to eradicate 3 mountain with a just a finger, but they killed by me so rest assured" 

           Xiao ling common sense is depleting rapidly because of the talking of Wang lei past, they stopped and said to Xiao ling, "Now this is Xiao pao elements, so pay attention because if you don't you already been killed by this cultivators in the past"

         Xiao ling begins to use her fighting stance, and suddenly the mist has appeared, the mist envelope her, and Xiao ling use her internal techniques to disperse the mist, but she noticed that she already been stab by a needle to the heart meridian, Wang lei disperse the mist, and talks to Xiao ling, "Now you know, what's the mist cultivator power is, but this is just an opening act actually"

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