Chapter 49: Inspection

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Author:  This is an english novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang Lei POV:

               The sudden faint of Fi hai, make the move for the elder Pu guo to assist her to the vacant area, the elder look at the two and just sigh and said, "They're indeed a monster" the audience is cheering and causing some uproar because of a level 3 high quality pill has born into a gold core cultivation, even the Yun candidates is surprised to see a level 3 high quality pill.

            Then without further minute, the elder Pu guo just continue and begin to assess the test, the elder get on the stage and said, "The one who refine a level 2 low quality pill below will be disqualified!"

             The other contestant don't agree to the matter and the elder begins to explain, "The level 2 mid quality will be held in the next round, this is an elimination round so be obedient and leaved the grounds!"

             The participant cries and the other just run towards to their family to cry, wang lei just leave sigh and said," that full of list in this tournament is still on 16-18 years old so of course they're just cry babies" 

         Fi hai able to awake and head towards to the stage and grab the attention of the level 2 mid -tier quality refiners, fi hai said, "This is indeed an elimination round, but i'll only accept a beneficial pill, this is not only that if your a mid tier quality then you're already pass that's a no, i'll going to evaluate the pill so now then the pill inspection start right now!"

            Then fi hai summons her familiar and it was an owl, it's not big, but the eyes is different, fi hai explained, "This is an inspecting owl, this owl can tell if the pill that you created can be benefit to the body or can kill, and it also the one that can explained the pill usage in full explanation, for example" 

            Fi hai called some of the participants, fi hai ask, "Can you give me the level 2 pill that you created?" The participants give it to her, and let the owl see it, The owl eyes begin to scan it, that almost like a holographic scan, the owl finish the scan and says, "This pill can kill" The audience is awed to hear that the owl is speaking, then the owl continued.

               "The pill here right now is failure heart serenity pill, why it's failure because of the usage and the impurities of the flame qi element, because of that, the usage of % is decreased and the one that will intake this will eventually get run wild and exploded his qi veins within a matter of second"

         The one that with level 2 mid tier quality is disqualified, the remaining contestant get into 15 participants, because before it's 16. then the audience keep quiet and think carefully, they said, "To think that this round is super hard than the rest of the round" 

             Then a tall man with great physique came and said to fi hai, "My lady, can you evaluate my level 2 mid quality pill? It's name is Leviathan lungs" Fi hai look at the young man and found out that he's cultivator that came from a sea shore, so basically they're a fisherman that's why there's some fishy smell, then fi hai took it and make a the owl judge it.

          The owl scan it and wang lei just anticipating for a good answer  because he already appraise it. the owl answered," This is level 2 mid quality pill, it has the effect of strengthening the lungs to breath underwater for about of minimum of 1 hour, this is a good pill and this pill can't kill" Fi hai get the answer and respond, "Young man you pass for the fourth round!"

                Wang lei is impressed to see that owl able to distinguish the effect and didn't says the ingredients and method to make it, But that's is useful to a low level of cultivation and that has no ability to hold their breath, then young man is been escorted by the elder Pu guo to participant area.

*with a couple of minutes later*

                The Yun candidates turn, first is Yun gi the chilling bone marrow pill a level 2 high quality pill, she gave it to fi hai and waiting for the evaluation, fi hai give it to the owl and let it inspect it, the owl able to inspect it and it was astound to see a gold core peak able to refine such a level 2 pill, and its was a high quality pill.

             The owl said, "The chilling bone marrow pill is only suitable for a cold qi practitioner this is the pill that can help the cultivation that has ice element, this pill can change the bone marrow to chill bone marrow and produce blood that has a  cold qi on it, but remember to much of it will chill the whole body of the practitioner and able to lead its death, but it's an excellent pill," 

         The audience is shocked to hear such a praise to the pill, and elder Pu guo escort Yun gi to the participant area that passed the round, Fi hai called another one that produce a level 2 mid quality pill and above, then Yun ha shows up and said to fi hai, "My lady this is the ascending frost pill, please evaluate" 

     Then Yun ha give it to fi hai, she took it and let the owl evaluate it, the owl scan it and almost drop it's jaw that there's someone capable to produce a level 3 pill in a low quality, and she's not even an alchemist but she created it.

         The owl keep his cool and respond, "This is a level 3 low quality pill, and it's name is ascending frost pill, while the other one is usage for the body, this one is usage for the qi, this pill can either kill or not, because this pill will gradually increase your cold qi cultivation in a violent nor gentle way, if you imagine it, this pill is lottery pill chances to boost your cold qi will be high or low, but still this is an outstanding pill" 

The audience is cheering for Yun ha, but still the audience is still whispering to themselves, saying. "Hey the last two is the same from Li family right? they have a 6th and 7th stage of gold core cultivation but still produce a level 3 high quality pill?! and the way that handling pill is outrageous more on unorthodox because of the unusual it is, but i bet the spear guy will won, Said by the guy  in blue. 

          Then some women from the Po family said, "Hmph! i think that sabre girl will win, because of how he defeat the sword genius of that family, and it still produce a huge fire dragon i bet she will win" 

        It became a betting for the audience that who's the most superior in terms of capability of handling a pill, then fi hai called Li long at the stage, "Please evaluate, and i'll just correct it, mine is called battle phoenix pill" said by Li long

       Fi hai just said to him, "Do you consider to joining the Pill pavilion?" Li long just humbly smiled and fi hai understood the meaning of that smile and dejected, she gave it to the owl, and that owl spread his wings because of a shock that he sees, a level 3 high quality pill that came from a level 7th stage gold core stage, it was indeed a talent of control of elements, and the most unusual is the type of handling of doing it.

            The owl begin to scan it and respond, "The method of you refining the pill is really extraordinary, who's your teacher? but anyway this pill can boost a cultivation in a parallel heights, it even can repair a broken meridian, and you just use a simple ingredients to make a level 3 pill,  because of the watery content of the pill it was an easy digest pill, and also it has an effect to boost the qi of water element cultivator, fascinating,"

         Then Li long respond, "I think you forget that my pill can also boost the cells to heal an amputated joints, or heal a broken bones" the owl is fascinated that even he can't see this kind of effect, the owl begin to question his existence and said, "You! i repeat the question?! Who's your master!?" 

          Wang lei intended to stop him but it's too late, because of the contract, then Li long respond, "My master is the teacher of Jiang school, her name is Lian Hua i don't know what's her refiner level but i can tell that she's above level 8 refiner because of the method that she teaches us" 

          Fi hai is shocked that his master is above level 8 refiner and she's only a level 7 refiner and she's consider a genius at her aged, fi hai question him and said, "Where can i find this refiner?" Li long respond, "Come and find her at the jiang school!" Fi hai begin to take note and hide it from everyone, but it seems that they're on voice barrier so that lian hua can't be leaked.

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