(Not a chapter) Winner

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Oh man, eating some grapes right now, off the chain. Anyway, I counted the votes and these were the results.

Prototype: 11
Spiderman: 1 (don't laugh)
Batman beyond:3
The Devil hero:9
Green arrow:2 (Don't laugh)

You can check over and see if I'm right or I missed some, but this is what I got. So this is how it's going to go.

I'm going to write the Prototype first, Batman beyond fourth, Green arrow fifth, and Spiderman sixth.

Once I'm done with one story I'll move on to the next and so forth. got it? Relax, I know what your thinking.

"B#tch, you skipped the to stories for second and third!"Well, that's where the pickle comes in. You see since they both tied I didn't really know where to place them. So we're going to have one final vote.

The Devil hero



Whichever gets the most votes will be second and the other third. I want to thank you guys for helping me out and sorry for the people who wanted their story to win but like I said I'm still going to write just not yet.

Anyways ily and I'll see you in the next.

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