Time heals Chapter 22

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boopity doopity another chapter.Kinda short but oh well.

The world cheered for All might victory over the evil mastermind All for one. With the mastermind out, the rest of the league tried to make a run for it but the number 2 hero made sure they were arrested. Capturing them as they tried to make a run for it.

Well, most of them. Shigaraki was in so much shock he didn't put much of a fight, hearing his master had a son, making him wonder if his master really meant what he promised.

As they were loading them all onto a police truck putting shackles and quirk-canceling cuffs on them to be taken to prison, but Shigaraki needed answers.

"Master, everything is for me, right?! You promised everything would be for me!" Shigaraki asked Afo who started to laugh to himself. "Did you honestly thought I would choose you over my own son?!" Afo asked rhetorically.

"Oh sh#t he letting him have it." Dabi said smirking at him. "You were a pawn, nothing more. I used you to hurt All might and to get what I wanted. You were never going to take my place, that spot was reserved for my son but it seems things have changed. Whatever path he chooses, he will turn this world upside down." Afo said.

The policemen overheard their conversation outside the truck and wondered where would the son of a monster be. They didn't know it but he was actually in police custody. He was dropped off by his girlfriend and friends.

Now at the police station. Izuku explained to them how he was set free out of nowhere. The police were skeptical at first but then came to the conclusion that maybe the league of villains wanted to lure All might to them.

Inko was called to pick Izuku up, let's just say the ride was a bit more quieter than usual. Inko knew what he was thinking. "Zuzu, I know you're mad at me and I don't blame you. At the time you were so young I didn't think you'd understand so I thought if we didn't talk about it it would be easier." She explained.

Izuku just stared outside the car window, not looking at anything in particular. "I guess I was dreading this day, I'm sorry." She told him.

Izuku thought about it for a second before speaking.

"I spent half my life blaming myself because I thought he left because of me." Izuku responded, Inko started to feel worse about everything making the car ride silent again. Once they got home Izuku went to his room which he stayed in for the rest of the day.

The next day was pretty much the same. Izuku spent most of the day in his room meanwhile, Inko didn't know what to say to help her son. She was never good with words.

The silence in the house was broken by a knock on the door. Inko being the closes to the door, she went to answer it and saw the last person she wanted to see.

All might, he was in his small form wearing a button-up shirt, office pants, and shoes. He also had a couple of bandages and his right arm was in a cast.

"What do you want?" Inko asked not wanting to see him anymore. "It's about U.A's new dormitory system." All might told her to which she sighed and let him in.

All might had explained to her that the principal of U.A had implemented the dormitory system to make sure the students were kept safe and as a way to keep an eye on them.

"So that's why I came here to get your approval for this." All might told her. However, Inko's mind was somewhere else. "Inko." All might called getting her attention. "Uh? Oh, um yeah sure. I'm sure Izuku will want to be as far away from me as possible anyway." Inko said sadly.

"How is he?" All might asked concernedly. "Not well. He's been in his room and doesn't come out since." She told him. They both sat there in silence for a moment.

"You want to talk to him?" Inko asked All might, he thought about it for a second and said "Yes." They both got up and went to Izuku's room. All might was now in front of Izuku's door while Inko was staying in the hallway.

He knocked a few times only to be met with silence. He decided to jiggle the doorknob only to find out it was unlocked. He opened the door and went into his room.

Izuku's room had all the typical things a teenager had: Band posters, a skateboard, and...some kind of cloth on the floor. Out of curiosity, All might picks it up only to find out their boxer.

"Uh, what the f#ck are you doing?" Following the voice, All might sees Izuku standing by the door with nothing but a towel. All might then looks back at the boxers in his hand then back at Izuku.

"Y-Young Midoriya, t-this isn't w-what it looks like!" All might pleaded. "Get out." Izuku told him kicking him out. All might now in the hallway with Inko. "Prevert." She tells him.

A few minutes pass while All might tries to explain the misunderstanding to Inko, Izuku door opens and he tells All might to come. All might does so and enters the room to see Izuku wearing a blue shirt and black basketball shorts.

"What did you need?" Izuku asked sitting on his bed. "Well, I already spoke with your mother and told her about U.A's new dormitory system. It's mandatory, but your mother already agreed to it." All might told him.

Izuku just nodded. "I just wanted to check-in and see how you feel." He told him. "Let's sees, hhmmm. I feel like a bomb that's about to explode and destroy everything around me." Izuku said as All might nervously chuckled.

"I'm frustrated, angry, sad, and tired. But I'll probably just do what I always do and pretend this isn't a big deal." He finished. "You shouldn't do that young man. Let it, nothing will leave this room." All might told him.

Izuku thought about it for a few seconds. "Fine. I've spent half my life thinking he left because of me because I was quirkless. Then when I got these powers I thought, now I'll be able to show him. But now it doesn't even matter." Izuku told him.

"No matter what, I'll always be in his shadow." He continued. "Young Midoriya, you're not your father. I've seen time after time how you help and protect others. I have no doubt you'll be a great hero one day." All might told him smiling.

Izuku smiled at his words. "I know you're mad at your mother but you have to understand she only wanted what's best for you." All might told him. "I'm not mad at her I just *Sigh* I just had a lot on my mind." Izuku told him.

He then got up and outstretched his arm towards All might as blue glitch light surrounded All might's body before disappearing. All might started to move his arm around and to his surprise, there was no pain or fatigue.

Izuku and All might then leave his room as All might removes his bandages and cast. "Alright Young Midoirya, see you on Monday!" All might said cheerfully as he left their home.

As he left Izuku noticed his mom waiting in the hallway. Inko gave him an unsure smile. Izuku just weakly held his arms out for a hug. Not even a second more Inko tackled him into the most back-breaking hug.

'Good grief' Izuku thought. 

Not much to say but ily and I'll see you in the next

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