Alrighty then Chapter 25

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"Okay, now on to the next test." Mera said catching everyone's attention. "Before we go any further, look at the screen. Man, I'm tired." He said darting everyone's attention to the giant screen that was broadcasting the fake city in the stadium.

The whole city started shaking before the buildings began collapsing. Then it showed people that were "caught" in the wreck injured. "Now before you, dum-dums think it's real it's not. They're paid actors. All you have to do is save them and they will evaluate you on your performance. This will be the deciding factor if you pass or not, so you know, do a good job and stuff." He said

An air horn went off signaling the begging of the test. The contestants run out and see everything destroyed. Hearing someone crying like a little b#tch, Izuku followed the sound and found a grown-ass man dressed like a kid full of blood.

"WAAAHHHH, I HURT MY LEG!!!" The man-kid cried. "What are you doing?" Izuku asked him. "Minus 10 points! What are you doing you're supposed to be helping?!" The man-kid shouted.

"It's just a little off-putting. You guys couldn't hire kid actors or are you just being cheap? Please tell me this isn't any kind of fetish" Izuku asked. "This just make-believe, all you got to do is play along, like what you would do in a real scenario." The man-kid said.

Izuku picked up the man-kid as neon light covered him then disappeared. "If this was real, your wounds would have been healed. Let's get out of here you perve" Izuku said carrying the man-kid away. "This is not a fetish! Besides, my fetish is feet." The man-kid said. "I didn't need to know that." Izuku replied.

Izuku took him to a designated area the other heroes made for the "injured". He then went back into the fray and helped others. Some time has passed and everything was going pretty well. "This is kinda easy, a little too easy. Oh man, I've always wanted to say that.!" Izuku said to the injured female he was helping.

"Can you hurry this up? I can feel the fake blood dripping to my ass crack." she told him. "Then why did you drench yourself in so much blood?" Izuku asked. "Gotta commit to the role. Word of advice, if your gonna do acting never accept an offer for schools" She told him.

"Got it?" Izuku said as he carried her to safety. Just as he was going back to help some more the wall was blown apart as an orca-looking guy with a group of goons dressed in all black came in. "Of course." Izuku sighed.

"Midoriya, evacuate the injured!" Todoroki said jumping into action. "Okay." Izuku said doing what he was told. Todoroki went in front of the main guy. "I won't allow you to proceed any further than-" "Avast ye, evil dower!" Some guy floating in the air shouted.

Todoroki looked up and the man starring down at him with an evil glare. "Hey, uh, thanks. But I got it covered!" Todoroki told him. "I have nothing to say to you, son of Endeavor." He told him. "Well, I have nothing to say to you, you." Todoroki replied. "Wait, you don't remember me?" The man asked.

"Uh, no." Todoroki replied. "Uh, sir should be we attack?" one of the goons asked the orca-looking man. "Shut up I'm being nosy." He told him. "Aw man, I had this huge plan to one-up you smack the goofy out your dad." The man told him.

"Sorry I don't remember you but can you still slap my dad?" Todoroki asked. "...are you going to watch me?" The man asked. "Okay this is getting weird, I'm Gang Orca, and we are villains. Only for like a bit though." Gang Orca said.

"Burntvillainsayswhat." Todoroki quickly said as he sent a wave of flames towards Gang Orca and his goons, but it was thrown off course by a giant gust of wind. "What are you doing?!" Todoroki asked the guy floating.

"Me?! I had him but you got in the way!" He shouted sending another gust of wind but merged with a wave of fire and went off course again. "Stop quirk-blocking!" The floating guy shouted. "I'm doing what?" Todoroki asked but didn't see Gang Orca approaching.

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