Part 47: Ryn & Ellie/El

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Breathing in the salty sea air, Ryn leaned forward slightly to sip their margarita. The metal banister on the edge of the ship deck glittered in the burning sunlight and, beyond, the sapphire ocean spread out to meet the aquamarine sky. Ryn smiled. The zingy lime and tequila on their tongue, the crisp ocean breeze and the long, unending expanse in front of them brought one of their favorite movie lines to mind.

"Bring me that horizon."

In the chair next to them, Ellie chuckled. "Would you like it gift-wrapped?"

"I think it already is." Ryn extended their drink across the small table between them. "Cheers."

Ellie touched her glass to theirs. She smiled broadly, her pink lipstick sparkling in the light. Ryn could see the joy in her smile, unrestrained, uncovered. While El was more reserved, a bit quieter, Ellie was energetic and unashamed. Ryn was surprised at all the things they had come to adore about this complex person, especially in such a short time.

Noticing the red creeping into her light-brown shoulders, Ryn straightened up. "You're getting a little burned. Do you want some more sunscreen?"

"Sure." Scooting forward on the beach chair, Ellie brought her long, dark braid forward. "Can you do my back?"

"Sure." Ryn sat carefully behind her, straddling the chair and trying not to sit too close. The two of them had talked about intimacy before going on vacation together, and Ryn was glad Ellie made the rules clear; she would make the advances, if there would be any. Ryn only wanted—and paid for—her company, and didn't want to ruin the perfect vacation by coming off as creepy.

They gently rubbed the lotion into her warm, strong shoulders. Carefully lifting the straps of her bikini top, they massaged her upper back and neck, moving across the rises and falls of the muscles under her smooth skin. When Ryn finished her other shoulder, Ellie sighed softly. She leaned back against Ryn's chest. Taking Ryn's hands, she wrapped them around her and rested her hands on theirs.

Ryn smiled. Resting their head against hers, they laid a light kiss on her neck.

"This is so nice." Entwining her fingers with theirs, Ellie gave a long, relaxed sigh.

"I'm so glad you wanted to come. I've wanted to do this for years, but I didn't want to go alone," Ryn replied.

"Really? I would've thought, on a gay cruise, you'd want to be alone. Unattached, you know?"


Two modelesque women with long, beach-tousled blond hair and large sun hats sauntered past. Wearing tall heels and long, gold necklaces with their matching zebra-print bikinis, they both looked like they were heading down a fashion runway rather than the side of a cruise ship.

"I thought this was a gay cruise," one said loudly. Though her eyes hid behind large, square sunglasses, Ryn saw her head turn towards them.

Her partner laughed. "Everybody's gay if they say they are, apparently."

The first woman scowled as she passed Ryn and Ellie, shaking her head.

"That's why I didn't want to go alone," Ryn muttered. They took their hands back.

Filling up her chest with a deep breath, Ellie jumped to her feet. "Excuse me!"

The two women stopped and turned. Ryn froze.

The shorter woman with the zebra skirt tilted her head and took off her glasses. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry, did someone make you the queen of the queers?" Ellie said.

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