Part 19: Rain & Azure & Gareth

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Friday nights were party nights. But this was an extra special night.

The room was spicy with the scent of sweat, smoke and sandalwood. Vaping by the window, breathing in the taste of orange over the whiskey drink in their hand, Rain looked over the beauties sprawled across the spacious room on the floor, the chairs, the couches, the beds; laying, kissing, playing, fucking. One elegant figure in particular caught Rain's eye, one they had never seen before; a beauty who was almost other-worldly, with thick lips, rich skin, and wide eyes framed by brushstroke lashes. Those deep brown eyes shifted, meeting Rain's, and watched; no tempting smile, no alluring wink—a steady stare grasping Rain's soul. That gaze made Rain catch their breath. They were spellbound, staring, losing every other gorgeous person in the room, every carnal delight playing out in front of them. The very walls seemed to fall away, until only those endless eyes remained.

Maybe it was the drugs. But Rain felt a dark and beautiful realm behind those eyes.

"Your new favorite?" A soft voice behind the chair whispered in Rain's ear.

"Who is that?" The words barely escaped. Rain was still trapped in the stranger's eyes.

"Azure. Xe's like you. Kinda." Gareth's kiss on their neck, his nose just slipping past their ear, brought the world rushing back. "I thought you would like xer."

"Xer..." Rain mused. It felt like a magic word. They hoped it was a summoning word. Xe blinked, a long, slow movement, like a swallowtail's wings, but didn't look away. "I do. Like xer. You know xer?"

"A bit. Come on." Gareth took their hand and pulled them up, making Rain nearly drop their e-cig. They kept hold of the whiskey sour as they followed Gareth towards the bed and Azure. Naked except for the towel around their neck, Rain suddenly had the urge to be cool, debonair, assured. Not putting on airs—the point of the parties was taking everything off—but feeling their best self in their skin. The whiskey sour, casually held, seemed to give some kind of serene stoicism as well as liquid courage.

"Azure, have you met Rain?"

Xer eyes traveled from Gareth to Rain. "No." Xe didn't smile, but watched Rain. "But I'd like to."

Xe spoke with the ghost of an accent Rain couldn't place—French? Moroccan? Maybe Indian? Perhaps somewhere they had never been. They couldn't decipher xer accent but, now standing only a foot away, Rain could see Azure's beauty in detail. Slender and soft, the contours of muscle and bone appeared and disappeared with the slightest movement. Xer hair was like ink, cascading down in long, untamed waves over xer shoulders, down xer chest. Xe brought one foot up xer leg as xe turned and rested xer chin in xer hand. Rain noticed xer gold nose ring then, and the glittering gold and gems across xer ears.

Gareth eyed Rain sidelong, smirking. "I'm sure they're glad to hear it."

Taking a sip of the whiskey sour and letting the hot sting course through their chest, Rain tried to keep their face cool, impassive. "How can I properly introduce myself?"

Xer eyes flicked once to the bed. Rain needed no other invitation.

They slid into the space next to Azure and found themself looking up at xer. Xer dark eyes were like twin moons, xer flawless face like the night sky.

"Your eyes are really beautiful." The words were true, even if it was the drugs that made Rain say them.

The smallest smile graced xer sienna lips. Xer nails made a languid path up Rain's chest, and back down. Rain stopped breathing. "I saw you staring."

Gareth slipped into the bed on Rain's other side. He kissed their shoulder, up to their neck, and looked up at Azure. "This is a special night."

Azure's brow rose just a bit. "Oh?"

Gareth kissed Rain on the cheek. "It's their birthday."

Azure smiled. The mysterious darkness in zer eyes shadowed zer lips as well. Rain swallowed, feeling a surge of warmth in their belly, as they wondered what thoughts that smile hid.

"I see." Xer fingers traveled lower. "Then let me give you a gift."

To be continued...


We got bunches of pronouns today! Having never read or written neopronouns before, it feels a little like mental gymnastics. But I kinda like it? Probably feels a little weird to read too. But it's kinda like they/them, you get used to it surprisingly quickly (or I did, idk).

Some Handy Dandy Comparative Examples :)

Xe looked away. I looked at Xer. Xer hair was like ink. The color was Xes. Xe loves Xerself.

He looked away. I looked at him. His hair was like ink. The color was his. He loves himself.

She looked away. I looked at her. Her hair was like ink. The color was hers. She loves herself.

They looked away. I looked at them. Their hair was like ink. The color was theirs. They love themself.

Inspiration: There's a part near the start of Penny Dreadful where Dorian Gray is looking over his lusciously hedonistic Victorian sex party, and he looks so gorgeous and sinister and so goddamn pleased with himself. That. SCENE. Ahjshtjsdassteh. I wanted to do a group chapter for a while now, maybe just to get that freaking Penny Dreadful scene out of my head! The idea of an electric connection is also perfect here, where everyone else, gorgeous as they may be, and everything else, thrilling though it is, fades away. OoooOoo... can you feel the magic?

This also seemed the perfect setting for my most recent request, write a character who uses neopronouns. (If you're not sure what I'm talking about, it's def worth a Google :) He gets a pronoun, she gets a pronoun—how come every nonbinary person gets lumped under the same pronouns? Kinda lame. Also, it was kinda nice to be able to discern between they (Rain) and xe (Azure) in a sentence. What if this whole party was all nonbinary folks? Sure would be nice to have some other pronouns to use. In perhaps a more progressive era where there's lots and lots of known nonbinary folk, neopronouns would be quite useful in a pronoun's purpose of discerning between peoples. And, the purpose of fiction (even erotica, imo) is to visualize new eras! Visualizing new eras is part of the point behind a story about decriminalizing and celebrating sex work, too (and, ya' know, the fun and sexiness too). And I've heard neopronouns are nice if your native language doesn't have gender neutral pronouns (many do not. * shakes fist * Verdammen, Deutsch!). "But then jerks will make fun of us!" Well, I don't see them here ;) In any case, please no negative comments on this or my heart will be sad. (I know Wattpad is a pretty darn cool community, so I don't worry too much :)

Not sure if xe/xer/xers is ideal, or even if, grammatically speaking, this is correct, but I do my best. (Also X is easily the hardest letter to hit on the keyboard sooo bad choice there. But at least I'm getting typing practice lol).

Return next Wednesday for Part 2 of our Neovisionary Dorian Gray Sex Party ! :D

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