Part 9: Zig & Viktor Completed

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Zig didn't hold back. The whip cut across Viktor's shoulders with a crack like thunder, reverberating off the concrete walls. The strike knocked him off his feet and pulled a cry from his raw throat. He hung from the ceiling, panting, and Zig watched the slash through his shoulders fill with blood. A red drop slid down his spine.

Biting their lip, Zig drew a thin breath. Exhaling, and watching Viktor get back to his shaky feet, they massaged their crotch. He was so alluring. The heat coursing through Zig's veins intensified, lingering in their belly. They wanted to pull him down and have him on the concrete floor.

"Silly little toy. Doesn't know his place." Zig hit him again, a downward strike cutting across one shoulder, down to the middle of his back. Viktor cried out again, coughing and swinging from his arms. Two more red rivulets slipped down his glistening skin. He breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath.

"Poor little toy boy." Swinging the whip around their shoulders, Zig stepped close to Viktor. A sensual touch on his taut ribs made him flinch. He tried to get to his feet, but Zig swept their boot under his feet. "No, no, no. You stay down. Where you belong." Their hand slid across his chest and down his stomach, feeling his body trembling. Zig took a firm grip of his cock and stroked him slowly. "That's good," Zig crooned. "Isn't it, toy boy?"

While they caressed him with one hand, they ran the tips of their fingers over his back. One fingertip slipped into a bleeding gash. Pleasing him and punishing him all at once, the moan through his gritted teeth was both agony and ecstasy.

"Say it," Zig hissed in his ear, squeezing the tip of his cock and pushing their fingernail into his wound. Viktor groaned. "'I'm your toy boy, Commander.' Say it."

"I..." Viktor leaned his head back, his face a crooked grimace. "I won't."

"Oh no?" Zig sharply slapped his cock twice. He jolted. Stepping back behind him, Zig let him suffer in anticipation for several seconds. He breathed hard, his reddened shoulders shaking.

"Stand up straight." The whip licked the backs of his legs, gentler, but still leaving a red mark. Viktor stood up on trembling legs. Zig drank in his helpless, shivering body. "You call that standing straight?" They whipped his buttocks, pushing him a step forward. "Stand straight!" They hit him again.

Breathing hard, he tried to stop shaking.

"Pathetic. Look at how worthless you are." Zig wanted to pull his shivering body close and fondle him to the edge of orgasm. Looking over his naked body, Zig barely resisted the urge to touch themself. The lust in their veins made the next two strikes harder. The whip cut through his skin in an almost perfect red X, two lightning-quick strikes that made him shout.

He groaned, gasping. Zig was about to hit him again, but hesitated. The gashes bled immediately, thick, rich red drops rolling down his back.

"Oh..." Zig grimaced. The drops turned into shallow rivers, straggling together into a dark red delta across his back. "Oh, I'm sorry. You're bleeding a lot. I'm sorry, we should stop."

"No," he said between breaths. "No, please, don't stop. It feels so good. Do it again."

Zig bit their lip. That wound would probably leave a permanent scar. They wanted to please Viktor with the pain, but not really hurt him.

"My little toy likes being broken, does he?" Winding up the whip and stowing it back in their belt, they looked over Viktor's bleeding back. They wouldn't need stitches, but the cuts would leave scars. "Does my little toy like being played with?" Zig stepped around to his front, running a hand lightly across his sides and chest. They grabbed him again. "What about this little toy, hmm?"

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