Part 22: Max & Keith

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It was a terrible idea. Max hadn't told anyone, because every single friend he knew would've told him exactly that. Even he didn't completely know why he had requested a tryst with his ex-boyfriend.

At first, all Max could think of was how? How on Earth had Keith fucking Vessy moved to the same city as him?! When he really thought about it, it was the closest big city to their measly hometown, so maybe it wasn't that surprising. But, it seemed like some kind of strange twist of fate that Max found his Suber profile without looking. At any rate, fate was the reason he gave himself for requesting Keith.

The knock on the door seemed to echo through the apartment. A jitter crackled across Max's shoulders. Swallowing, he stood up, wiped his sweaty hands quickly over his dark brown trousers and red button-up shirt, and went to the door. He opened it.

Keith was leaner and well-dressed, wearing a fitted, blue and gray, short-sleeve baseball tee, with three buttons open around the collar and a light silver design curving over his shoulder. His dark-wash jeans were well-fitted too, showing off his limber figure. It was the first time Max had ever seen him not wearing a worn-out t-shirt and baggy jeans. Even his face was different, his features sharper. But his eyes were calmer than Max remembered, a light blue gaze that held confidence and surety instead of the defensiveness Max had known.

From the outside, most might've said the chubby young man Max knew had matured into quite an attractive man. Though the calm in his eyes was welcome, Keith's thin, finely dressed frame seemed foreign. He was a different person. Max realized for the first time that he was chasing the past.

Max only had a chance for a quick once-over and that startling thought. The cool confidence in Keith's face evaporated into surprise when he saw Max.

"Wow. I didn't believe it." His surprise curved into a small smile. "Max. How the hell are you, man?"

Max couldn't help but smile too. "I, uh, I didn't really believe it either. When I saw you."

Keith blinked. A sliver of surprise returned to his cool composure, but this surprise was different. A pause cut in front of his words. "I bet. You know, you could've just messaged me. Like, outside of an app for sex."

A surge of heat filled Max's cheeks. Their meeting had gone well for about five seconds. Max realized then the torrents of awful things Keith must've thought; Max was trying to get back together with him, trying to blackmail him somehow, or use Suber as some kind of power trip or revenge.

Why didn't I just message him? Because I thought he wouldn't answer, I guess. Max shook the thought off, trying to keep his confidence on Keith's level, or at least appear so. "I could've. I guess I thought you wouldn't come."

Looking away, a smirk inched across Keith's lips. "I sometimes don't. Depends on what my clients want."

Blushing redder, Max puffed out a breath. He paused. "You're different."

The mischief drained from Keith's face. His eyes traveled up and down Max's form. "You too."

Max looked away. "Um. You know, I think you're right." He rubbed the back of his neck. Something in his chest stung, something deeper than the scars. "This was a bad idea. I don't know what I was thinking—"

"Whoa," Keith held up a hand. "I didn't say it was a bad idea. I guess I'm just wondering—why?" He paused, his eyebrow furrowing in scrutiny. "This isn't like a get-back-together thing, is it?"

Max shook his head. "No, no, no. I-I don't know what I was thinking, I, I..."

"It's okay," Keith assured. "Let's chat for a bit. I haven't seen you in forever."

"Um. Okay. Yeah." Max gestured toward the couch. This was a bad idea. What was I thinking?

They both sat down. Before Max could speak, Keith took a big breath, raised a hand, and let it fall on his knee. "I have to say something."

Max held his breath. Oh no.

"I was a huge asshole when we were dating. And I am really, really sorry. To be honest, I didn't think we'd ever actually meet again. But I'm glad I got to tell you that."

Max opened and closed his mouth twice. "Oh. Um. Thanks. I appreciate that. You were an asshole. But thanks."

Keith chuckled. His voice softened, growing quiet. "Once I heard about," his eyes flicked up, taking in Max's form again, "you... It made sense."

"What made sense?" Max's brow drew down, his voice sharpening.

"I'm gay. I always have been. I think that was why I..." His gaze drifted. "Why I reacted so badly."

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you ever tell anyone else? Back then, I mean?" He asked.

Max frowned. "No. Of course not."

Keith sighed. "I'm sorry. I did know. I think I always knew. I guess that was what freaked me out." He waved a hand, shaking his head. "I was just an idiot. I didn't know what the fuck was going on with me and I took it out on you. And I'm sorry."

"Oh." Max tried again to say something, but didn't know what. Finally, he looked up. "So, um... Why Suber?"

Keith smiled and shrugged. Max saw pink in his cheeks, probably not from the question of Suber, but from apologizing. "I figure, you gotta do what you're good at, right?"

Shaking his head a bit, Max smiled. "You were good at that."

Keith's smirk returned and his eyebrow twitched. "Is that why you asked for me?"

"I-I, no, that's not it. I—"

His smirk climbed. "How long has it been?"

Caught off guard, Max was about to lie, but hesitated.

Keith laughed. "That long, huh?"

"Okay, it's been a while."

Keith pursed his lips. His thinking face hadn't changed. "I'm not technically supposed to do this with people I know."

Max bit into his smile. "I could be off the books."

Keith's pensive frown returned to a smirk. Looking into Max's eyes, he scooted closer on the sofa. Keith's fingertips skimmed through Max's hair, around his ear and his hand rested gently on Max's cheek. "I'll admit," his lips pressed gently against Max's and he moved closer, the light pressure becoming familiar and warm. Keith bit Max's bottom lip as he moved back, sending a tingle down Max's spine. "I missed this."

To be continued...


Author's Note;

I just realized I used the name Keith in both of my stories. I have nooo idea why that name is on my mind or where the F it came from lol.  

Pop back in next week Wed/Thurs for the completion of Max & Keith! Thanks for bearing with me! 

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