Part 34: Essa & Erika Concluded

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Erika clapped and beamed when Essa got into the top ten in the Best Adapted Costume category. When she walked on stage, Essa immediately saw Erika's black-gloved hands high over her head, clapping and cheering. She held the small chibi-style Catwoman keychain Essa had bought for her.

For that moment, it felt like Erika had always gone to the ComicCon events with her.

After the costume contest, they both piled their plates high at the buffet and tested every fruit, cookie, cracker and a number of questionable choices at the chocolate fountain.

Essa inspected the chocolate-covered cocktail weenie at the end of the toothpick she held. "Probably not what they had in mind." She chuckled and looked up at Erika. The rest of the event-goers had left the table as the evening wore on, leaving Erika and Essa sitting side-by-side at the large table.

She smiled back. "Dare you to."

Essa considered it a moment, shrugged, and popped the chocolate sausage in her mouth. The mix of greasy-salty-sweet was definitely strange, but surprisingly not terrible. "It's actually not that bad."

Erika laughed and pushed her with her shoulder. "Weirdo."

Essa couldn't help but stare as Erika took a bite of a chocolate strawberry. Even when Essa had first seen her, her magnetic pull was undeniable. Now, Essa somehow felt like she'd known her for years. With every little joke, playful push, small confession, endearing smile, and a thousand tiny movements, Essa felt herself drawn closer to that magnetism.

"Thanks again for coming," Essa told her. "Like, I know it's a paid thing, but you really made it fun. I don't think I would've stayed without you."

Tilting her head, Erika gave an easy smile. "I'm glad I could help. I actually had a lot of fun too."

The unspoken request sidled between them, bringing silence with it. As Erika nibbled on the strawberry, she looked down at her phone.

Looking down at the remnants on her plate, Essa bit the inside of her lip. How do I ask her to... stay?

Her phone rattled on the table. Essa glanced at the lit screen.

Suber: Message (1)

She clicked the notification.

Erika would like to extend your meeting to include: An escort for an event, and sex or intimacy. Do you agree to the following terms?

Essa's heart fluttered. She looked at Erika.

Her dark red lips curled into a shy smile. "I hope that's not too—forward?"

Essa couldn't hold back the smile that spread over her face. "You read my mind." She looked over the new terms quickly and agreed. She knew she would've paid more for Erika to stay, and Erika probably knew it too.

"So..." With red creeping into her cheeks, Essa looked up at Erika. "Do you wanna—go up to the room?"

Erika leaned in, sliding her gloved arm around Essa's shoulders, and kissed her on the cheek. "Let's go," she whispered into Essa's ear.

Shivers crept down Essa's spine. Erika slipped her hand into Essa's and pulled her gently to her feet. Hand-in-hand, they both strolled out of the banquet hall, towards the elevators. Essa pressed the button and held Erika a bit closer, curling her arm around Erika's. She was about to steal a kiss when the elevator doors opened.

Essa's heart beat fast as the doors closed. The elevator rumbled upward and she turned towards Erika. The taller woman lightly placed her gloved hands on Essa's cheeks, leaned in and kissed her. With her heart leaping in her chest, Essa drew a deep breath through her nose as she tasted Erika's lips. Slipping her arms around Erika's neck, Essa pulled her closer. Warmth bloomed through Essa's chest at the touch of Erika's breasts against her. Her embrace was both soft and strong, thrillingly new, yet comfortingly familiar.

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