Part 29: Rhea

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"Isn't he cute?"

Rhea looked down at the muscular man posing in the picture on Amanda's phone. He looks bumpy. Rhea bit their lip to keep from making a face. They shrugged. "I don't really like beards."

"Beards?" Amanda took her phone back, looking at Rhea like they were crazy. "Who cares about his beard. Look at his body!"

Rhea shrugged again. "I guess I don't really like muscular guys."

On the other side of the table, Judy chewed her salad. "Don't ask her, she doesn't even like guys." she said with one cheek full of lettuce.

Heat bloomed on the back of Rhea's neck. Judy thinks she knows everything. She doesn't know anything. "I never said that," Rhea said quietly.

"You like skinny guys with no beards, big lips and long hair." Judy snorted. "Also known as girls."

The two women laughed. Rhea didn't.

"I don't know why you don't just say you're gay," Judy went on. "Too scared or something?"

I'm not gay. I'm nonbinary. I like other nonbinary people. There's not a word for what I am. Or, if there is, I don't know it, because people like you want everybody to be the same.

Sometimes Rhea wanted to tell people. But then they hung out with Amanda and Judy, and remembered why they didn't.

The train home from the restaurant was blessedly quiet. The perfect time for reading.

Rhea leaned close to their tablet, hardly breathing. Not every indie online book was exactly engrossing, but this one was.

Devayne skimmed his dark hand over Cora's pale cheek. His touch made her light-headed. She tried not to look into his eyes, but the temptation was too much. Looking up, she met the sorcerer's gaze, deep and steady, staring into her soul. His hand slipped behind her head, through her hair. Stepping closer, his other hand encircled her waist.

Cora couldn't believe this was the same man she had banished from the kingdom. Maybe it was the dark magic he'd learned, or maybe it was his unique allure. But she couldn't take her eyes off him.

"You're not afraid of me?" Devayne's voice was like velvet.

Cora's hands traveled over his chest, reaching up to his face and through his long, black hair. "I'm afraid... I may be in love with you."

Standing so close, she felt the breath through his chest. He leaned closer.

The screen went white. An advertisement flickered across the screen.

"Shit," Rhea whispered. Leaning back, their back cracked. They hadn't realized how close they'd been to the screen. I should just get the paid version. There was nothing worse than getting an ad right when the story was getting steamy.

Has it been a while?

The phrase scrolled over the black and white picture of a handsome, clean-shaven man with a dark complexion and deep, brown eyes.

Rhea took a breath. Is this part of the story? The man looked startlingly close to how they pictured Devayne.

Haven't found what you're looking for?

The new phrase appeared over a new photo; a lithe, nearly naked man sprawled on white sheets with silky, black hair fanned around a sensual expression. Rhea glanced furtively to either side. Luckily, the train was far from full, and no one sat close. Still, they held the tablet a bit closer.

Maybe you're looking

in the wrong place.

They man's eyes opened, a marvelous green, and gave Rhea a wink.

Suber: The Uber of Sex

Find exactly what you need.

Download now.

The ad slid off the screen, and the story returned. Rhea peered down at it. What was that?

They tried to keep reading. Their eyes ran across the words without reading them. After reading the same paragraph four times, they finally closed the app and clicked on Google. A moment of hesitation held them back—do I want this on my search history? Shaking the thought off, they typed in Suber the Uber of Sex.

The answer was clear in the first result.

Suber: The Uber of Sex

Sex on demand. Consensual, safe, satisfying. All genders, sexualities, body types & kinks. Just fun, no judgment. Download now.

All body types? All genders? Surely they didn't mean 'all'... but, if they didn't, wouldn't they have said 'both?'

It seemed like too much to hope for. But, the ad wasn't wrong. It had been a while. And Rhea never had found what they really wanted.

Rhea bit their lip, staring down at the search results. Is it right to pay for sex? Do I want this app on my phone? Is this even legal? A hundred questions spun in Rhea's mind. They were about to close the page and delete their search history when Judy's sharp voice echoed in their mind; Too scared or something?

Rhea frowned. And clicked the link.  

to be continued... 


Author's Note; 

This is a recent request! (I didn't forget :)  I hope it delivers! Still planning on continuing Suber each week on Fridays. With fall setting in, just feeling sleepy and lazy lol. But hoping to get back into the routine. 

Be well, all! 

Suber: The Uber of Sex (Queer Erotica Short Stories)Where stories live. Discover now