Part 27: Justus Revisited

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Sitting at his computer in the kitchen, Justus leaned back. Bringing both hands over his bald head, his winced and stretched, three bones in his back cracking loudly. Peering down at the black screen and lines of white code across the screen, he frowned. "Kiya, kannst du mir helfen?"

Not far away in the living room, the woman reclined on the sofa looked up. "Was?"

"Sorry. Can you help me?"

She smiled, her bright teeth shining shyly under her dark lips. "Are you still working on that?"

Leaning back, Justus groaned. "Leider, ja."

Setting her own laptop on the coffee table, she stood up with a chuckle. Pouring herself a glass of water from the sink first, she strode to the kitchen table where Justus sat, puzzling. Her long fingers slid across his heavy shoulders as she leaned closer to his laptop.

"Hmm." She studied the screen

As she did, Justus studied her face. Her lime-green-rimmed glasses slipped a bit down her nose as her brow drew down and her lips pursed. Inhaling almost silently, wisps of her cinnamon scent filled Justus's head. Watching the intensity on her dark face, Justus felt heat rising in his chest.

"I see you staring." Kiya didn't look away from the screen, but her lip curled up just a bit.


As she leaned over to type, Justus kissed her shoulder.

"Here, move over." She nudged him.

Justus got up from the chair, laying his hands briefly on her shoulders as she sat down. He went to the fridge and thought about grabbing a soda, but then stopped. He took the white wine instead.

Glancing back at Kiya, he covertly took two glasses from the cabinet and poured. Setting the bottle down, he leaned against the counter for a moment, watching her. Her fingers tapped across the keyboard and she focused again, her lips pursing. She went on like that for several moments, typing and studying the screen, typing and studying. Justus watched. She was so intelligent, so capable, so confident—so beautiful.

Finally, she leaned back. "There. Fixed."

Justus shook his head, smiling. Of course she fixed it that easily. Taking both wineglasses, he returned to the kitchen table. "How do you do that?"

She smiled up at him. "Carefully."

He laughed, handing her the glass. She took it and tapped her glass to his. "Don't people work at Suber who should be doing this?"

"Ja. But, the high-level things, I like to do them."

"No, you don't."

"No, I don't. I don't know why." He shrugged.

Kiya stood up, pushing the lime-green glasses up on her face, and stepped closer. "I fixed your problem. "Hast du ein Geschenk für mich?"

Justus slipped an arm around her back and pulled her closer. "Ein Geschenk? Ja. Was willst du?" Leaning closer, he took in her scent again, and sighed softly against her neck. The warmth in his chest burned hotter and moved lower. "You speak so well." He kissed her neck.

She exhaled softly. "I try."

"Is there anything you cannot do?"

"Probably not." Her hand moved up his chest, to his neck, keeping him close. "You didn't answer my question. What gift are you giving me?"

Kissing up her neck, he said quietly, "anything. Whatever you want."

She pulled away a bit to kiss his lips. With a long, slow, deep kiss, she said against his lips, "I want you."  


Author's Note:


I've been wanting to revisit some of our characters for a while. These revisited chapters will be some time after their original stories (a few months? A year? Whatever you think). All of them will be directly or tangentially related to Suber still (Justus has a partner now, who is helping him manage the widely successful Suber app!). I'm not sure I'll revisit all the characters, but a number of them. Hope you'll come back and visit next Friday to see the continuation of Justus's story! 

Suber: The Uber of Sex (Queer Erotica Short Stories)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora