Part 13: Jaymie & Elektra

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It was even better than Jaymie hoped for.

Even when the trysts didn't go as expected, they were still exciting. As far as Jaymie could see, Suber put the whole human spectrum on display; gender, sexuality, body shape, kinks, softness and hardness, submission and dominance, and so much more.

With access to so much, Jaymie realized for the first time they had never really asked themselves; What do I want? What do I like? They'd always just gone along, done what was expected or 'normal'—maybe to avoid embarrassment, maybe because they didn't know anything else.

They realized they didn't know what they really wanted. But finding out was a thrill.

Apprehensive about the app, uncertain what to expect, the first meeting was soft and slow. Jaymie didn't specify anything special. They just wanted sex, pure and simple. No attachments, no hurt feelings, that was the goal.

It was so much better than they could've imagined.

The woman at the door was, somehow, both innocent and sultry. Her round face and bright eyes seemed to shine, while her sumptuous breasts and thick hips seemed to burn.

"Hi, I'm Elektra." She smiled, her light red lips parting. One of her teeth was just a bit crooked, giving her smile the warmth of imperfection.

Elektra? Her real name? Probably not. But that's okay. I'll call her whatever she wants. They smiled back. "Hi. I'm Jaymie. Please come in."

They both sat on the sofa and Jaymie explained the trepidation they had about the app. It wasn't paying for sex that made them anxious—it was that most people didn't know what nonbinary was. And some people weren't very nice.

Elektra waved a hand. "Don't worry about that. We get all types of people, believe me. There's no right or wrong way to be."

Jaymie looked up, their gaze traveling up her legs to her round, soft belly, up to her cleavage. When they met her eyes, she smirked. "Why don't you come a little closer?"

They scooted closer, looking into her eyes. Perhaps sensing Jaymie's apprehension, she gently touched their cheek and leaned closer to kiss them. Meeting her lips, gently, at first, and then eagerly, they tasted her wet gloss, a sharp strawberry. The taste of her lips and the smell of her sweet perfume, like apples and lemon in spring, intoxicated them.

As they kissed her, their hand moved shyly across her breast. She sighed softly, pulling them closer. Jaymie pulled away from her lips only to straddle her, pressing their hips and chests together. Gently pulling her shirt over her head, they took her breasts in both hands and kissed across her chest. Her body was full and soft, every inch of her begging to be touched. Jaymie kissed her hungrily as they caressed her breasts, feeling longing smoldering in their belly.

Elektra pulled Jaymie's shirt over their head and wrapped her arms around them. Pressed against her warm body the longing turned to a fire.

"Do you want to go to my room?" Jaymie whispered in her ear.

She kissed their neck. "Let's go."

The sex was gentle and patient. Jaymie started on top, kissing and touching her everywhere, thrusting gently against her. Then she was on top, turning over against them, her luscious body surrounding them. With her breasts against them, her legs around them, her lips against their neck, everything felt like heaven.

They weren't sure how much time passed making love to her. When they laid on the bed, exhausted and breathless, Elektra rolled over, resting her head on their arm.

"Aren't you glad you tried Suber?" She grinned.

Leaning closer, Jaymie kissed her on the cheek. "God, yes."

As she got up from the bed, Jaymie watched her naked body in the shadows. Looking over her shoulder, she winked. "I'm sure I'll see you again."

Jaymie smiled. "You will."

She closed the door gently behind her and Jaymie spread out on the bed. Taking a deep breath, they drank in the silence. With their body drained and blessedly sore, sleep came almost immediately. One thought drifted to their mind before they drifted off; I wonder what next time will be?  


Author's note

Dang this was short! I intended to write so much more, but my mind has been all over the place this week ahhhhhh :0 That's why there will be another part, (hopefully closer to what I originally planned!) next week Wednesday!

One other thing - people have said that using "they/them" is too confusing in writing. I don't think this is true! (Besides, you'd run into the same mix-up if you have two male characters or two female characters). It can feel a little strange at first, and it takes editing to get it completely right (takes editing to get anything completely right!) but I think they/them is totes cool. I know that not everybody gets it, and that's okay, but thank you for being understanding! (Okay, that's it for a serious sidenote in an erotica hahaha wtf) 

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