Part 36: Angeline Continued

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Angeline looked at the clock every two minutes. It was fifteen minutes to five and, after traffic, she had scheduled a Suber escort to meet her at her apartment. It was Friday, and this was the third time this week. Her stress levels had dropped off like a waterfall since discovering Suber. On the days she had Suber meetings scheduled, her workday went quickly—until the last hour.

The first time was a woman. The second time was a man. This time, incidentally, Suber matched her with a nonbinary person. Angeline wasn't sure if the Suber algorithm was trying to get her to narrow her search, or if the diverse arrangement of genders was simply a coincidence.

She never requested a particular person or type of person, except that they give her what she wanted. She read the anonymous reviews for each Suber escort before scheduling a meeting, looking, in particular, for satisfied customers. Some of the most popular escorts were, as Angeline expected, the most conventionally attractive. But she looked for the escorts that pleased their customers. The person she was meeting tonight garnered especially complementary reviews. Angeline was hoping for the perfect Friday night tryst.

She left work ten minutes early, unable to contain her excitement any longer. As she drove home, she thought about what she wanted this evening. Did she want to give or receive? Did she want it slow and steady, or fast and hard? Did she want to be dominant or submissive?

By the time she reached her apartment, she was ten minutes early for her Friday night tryst and her body was thrumming with desire.

Her escort was right on time. Ten minutes later, she heard a knock at the door.

With her heartbeat rising, she got up and answered the door.

A tall, slender figure wearing a deep purple silk shirt, tight black pants and a sure smile stood in the doorway. Their long, black hair hung loose around their shoulders, with asymmetrical bangs over one side of their face almost hiding a smattering of pockmark scars. Wine lipstick colored their lips and bright, sparkly, violet shadowed their eyes.

Upon opening the door, Angeline took in a scent of pears and tulips. Her escort had an elegant, confident aesthetic. Angeline got the feeling the reviews she had read were accurate.

"I'm Revere. You must be Angeline?"

She smiled back. "I am." She stepped aside to invite Revere in.

"May I sit?" Revere gestured towards the couch in the sitting room.

"Sure." Though Angeline didn't plan to chat long. She was already thinking of the reviews she read—"I've never come so hard in my life" and "They did exactly what I wanted, it was amazing" and "Revere found all my spots."

She sat down close next to them. "So, I've heard you're really good."

Revere's crooked smile rose. "Oh really? From whom?"

"All of your reviews."

They laughed. "That's an odd concept, isn't it? Reviews for sex?"

"Not at all. I wish everyone had sex reviews."

"Really?" Revere moved a bit closer. "And what would you be looking for?"

"I think, today," Angeline threw her legs over Revere, straddling them, "I want to be in charge."

"Mmm. That sounds nice." Revere's long fingers ran up her back as she leaned close to kiss them. Angeline held their face, kissing them hungrily and gently grinding on them. Her hands strayed down their frame, gliding across their silk shirt and against their warm, soft skin. She started to unbutton their shirt, her hands stealing across their chest. Revere's hands moved under her shirt, caressing her tired back. They pulled her a bit closer, against the warmth of their chest. Angeline felt her stress melt away, replaced by the embers of lust.

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