Part 30: Rhea & Revere

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Scrolling through Suber profiles was addicting, even if Rhea knew it was shallow. The claims in the ad were, for once, spot-on. Sex workers on Suber really did span all genders, body types, styles, interests and skills. But Rhea kept returning to one profile in particular.

Revere was probably not their real name, but it was accurate. Rhea couldn't see their face, but their body was stunning. They were exactly what Rhea had dreamed of. It was hard to believe they were even real.

"Anybody can look like anything nowadays in pictures." Rhea had to admit, they looked exactly as Judy described; slender, clean-shaven, with long dark hair and gorgeous lips. The photos weren't completely nude, probably to protect the sex workers, so mystery remained. But Rhea knew they wanted Revere.

If it weren't for them, Rhea probably would've deleted the app. They had never paid for sex, never even had a one-night-stand. Even their experience with sex in a relationship was limited. The thought of having sex with a stranger was terrifying... and exciting. After returning to Revere's profile at least a dozen times, the thought of being with them felt like being with a celebrity.

It took weeks, going back and forth. Finally, Rhea made a request for 7:30, Saturday evening.

A day passed.

And another.

Revere accepted.


Slicking their hair back, darkening their lipstick and eyeliner, and spraying a sensual, masculine cologne around their neck, Rhea felt almost confident. They looked exactly like they wanted, but still felt wrong. Too feminine to be nonbinary, too androgynous to be a lady. They were always too much or not enough to fit, even when they were perfect.

On any other date, Rhea would've reverted to 'pretty,' even if it felt like a costume. Men wanted, liked, desired 'pretty.' Too often, men had reacted with disdain, or some strange sense of being deceived, even when Rhea told them, or tried to. That was a special kind of rejection; being themself meant deceiving dates, but faking it meant satisfying them.

Which explained why they'd stopped dating.

Revere, Rhea hoped, would be different. Not just because Rhea had paid them, but because—Rhea hoped—they might understand what it felt like .

The knock on the door made Rhea freeze. The butterflies in their stomach, as well as their heart, surged into their throat. Jumping up from the sofa and smacking their knee on the coffee table, they barely felt the pain streaking through their leg. Rhea let the excitement carry them. If they paused even a moment, they knew they might not go through with it.

Rhea threw open the door.

The slender figure on the other side jumped. "Oh!" A smile spread over their beautiful lips. "Hello there."

Rhea couldn't help but smile back. "Hi!"

Revere was every bit as beautiful as Rhea hoped. Clad in black leggings and a black, silk shirt-dress, Rhea couldn't help but visualize their tantalizing pictures on Suber. With high, sharp cheek-bones and a striking brow, Revere's face was almost statuesque. Long, loose black hair fell down to their shoulders, with one side straying over the edge of their brow. Looking closer at their face, Rhea couldn't help but stare a moment. Revere's hair and a layer of makeup tried and failed to hide a smattering of pockmark scars across their forehead, brow and eyelid.

From their gorgeous hair to their striking figure to their scar-sharpened eyes, it was as if Revere stepped out of a romance novel. Rhea couldn't look away.

"Not what you expected?" Revere tossed their hair lightly off their face, giving up on covering the scars.

Rhea finally exhaled. "You're... so..." They searched empty air for something. "Wow."

Revere chuckled lightly. "That's a good reception." Their eyes shifted over Rhea's shoulder. "May I?"

"Yes, please!" Rhea stepped back to allow them in, watching. Even at their height, Revere's grace was unmistakable.

Stepping into the room, Revere looked around once, turned, and smiled. "This is very nice." They stepped around the coffee table, sank gently into the sofa and crossed their legs.

Rhea realized a moment too late they still stood at the doorway, staring.

"Come join me?" Revere said.

Rhea shook out of their trance. "Course!" Stepping too quickly, they hit their knee on the coffee table again. "Fuck!" They tried to catch themself and slipped, falling forward into the sofa. This time, the pain hit full on, coupled by the hot sting of embarrassment. Hissing and holding their knee, Rhea gave a grimacing grin. The excitement that had carried them forward started to dissolve. Revere was gorgeous and graceful and confident. Rhea... wasn't.

"Are you okay?" Revere slid down the couch towards Rhea, laying one hand on Rhea's shoulder and the other on their knee.

"I'm fine," Rhea squeaked out.

"Do you want some ice?"

"No, no, really. I'm fine. It's not even that bad." Rhea felt the lie on their wincing face.

Revere waited several moments, their long fingers gliding soothingly over Rhea's knee.

"I guess I'm just a little..." Rhea almost said nervous, but that wasn't it. "Too excited." They risked a look up at Revere.

A small smile crept over their face. "Are you sure you're all right?"

The jolting pain through Rhea's knee became a warm throb. "I'll live."

"Glad to hear it. Now." Revere's fingertips touched Rhea's chin, gently raising their face. "Let's do something about that excitement."

Looking into Revere's face, fluttering thrills thumped across Rhea's chest. Revere slid their hand over Rhea's hair and leaned closer.

Revere's kiss was like a spark. Exhilaration surged through Rhea's veins, rising up to their pounding heart and down to their sex. Rhea slid closer, slipping their hands across Revere's soft silk shirt, stealing under their collar.

"How was that?" Revere said softly, still an inch from Rhea's lips.

Rhea couldn't stop the first thought that struck them. "It's like a romance novel."

Revere chuckled. Rhea felt the vibrations through their chest. "It's about to get better."

to be continued... 


Author's note  

Is it weird to reference a romance novel... in a romance novel? I honestly didn't realize this until just now lol. But I'm willing to be we've all fantasized about someone we've read about--how awesome would it be if they just showed up??? 

Obviously I'm partial to long, black hair. That only shows up about 800 times in my stories. I also like R names lol. One of these days I'm going to meet a gorgeous goth River or Robin or Rayon and just die of longing lololol. 

If you're thinking "all of these meetings start the same" and "this nervous-at-the-door scene is getting old" well... Yeah. I know. I'm working on it! (But, really, how else would you react? Where else would you meet? A hotel?... Actually, yeah, that's kind of hot...) 

Hope you come visit again next week! Planning on making this next one steamy ;) 

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