Part 48: Ryn & Ellie/El continued

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Standing on the balcony, Ryn looked out over the ocean as orange and red filled the sky. El stood next to them, his arm linked through theirs, sipping champagne.

"This is probably the most romantic—date?—" El wasn't sure what to call it "—I've ever been on."

Ryn sipped their own glass of fizzy, dry-sweet champagne. "Me too." They smiled at El, studying his profile, awash in the sunset. From his long, dark lashes, to his full lips, strong jaw to his dark hair, he was truly exquisite. It wasn't the first time Ryn noticed.

Looking back over the ocean, Ryn resisted the urge to pull El into a kiss. They'd promised they wouldn't make any advances, and they knew El was taking a risk going on vacation with them. The last thing Ryn wanted was to betray El's trust in them. Instead, they slipped their fingers through El's, brushing their thumb over the back of El's hand.

"That was a really nice dinner. Those people were cool." El leaned his head on Ryn's shoulder.

"They were," Ryn agreed. "I don't think I would've talked with them much without you."

"Why's that?"

Ryn rested their head on El's. "I'm not really much of a people-person. I never have been. I guess that's why it took me so long to go on this cruise at all."

"That's a shame." El straightened, looking over Ryn. "You're a really cool person. I'm really glad I met you. I don't think I would have otherwise."

Blush crept into Ryn's cheeks. They merely shrugged.

Leaning back, El set his glass of champagne on the glass table near the sliding door. With an elbow on the railing, he turned to face Ryn. Ryn swallowed. They felt the ridge of something important approaching.

"I think you're really hot, too," El said quietly. Taking a step closer, he gently took Ryn's glass out of their hand and set it down on the table. Then, he slipped his arms around Ryn's torso. Ryn felt the heat from El's body meeting their own. "What do you think about me?"

"I, um..." Their voice caught in their throat. They slipped their hands around El's back. "I really want to kiss you right now."

El reached up touch Ryn's cheek, his thumb sliding past Ryn's ear and his fingertips easing through their hair, filling's Ryn's chest with a storm of sparks. Ryn leaned in to meet El's kiss, a warm, velvet touch that started gently and became hungry. Pulling Ryn closer, El raked his teeth over Ryn's bottom lip and skimmed his tongue over theirs. With a soft sigh, Ryn held him tightly, loving the feel of his body.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Ryn said slowly, against El's lips. "Or," they kissed along his jaw, down his neck "that you'd like to do with me?"

El murmured a laugh. "Oh, there's plenty I'd like to do with you."

"I'm all yours."

"Oh, really?" El leaned back, looking into their eyes.

"Whatever you want." Ryn kissed him. "Make me yours."

El smiled, a devilish look. "I'm usually the one saying that."

"Do you like to be..." Ryn hunting for the words, nervousness creeping into their exhilaration "in charge?"

El's smile climbed. "I do."

Ryn took a breath and held it. "Can you show me?"

"Oh, yes." Clutching the front of Ryn's shirt, El tugged them inside the room. Closing the sliding door behind him, El gave Ryn a gentle push. "Take off your clothes."

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