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I figured this would be the best book to put this in as it is my most read one, I do understand that not many people are reading it tho but hopefully some fellow writers will see this.

I'd like to team up with some fellow writers (doesn't matter how long you've been writing, how many works you've had or if you haven't even started yet) to create a writer's discord server where we can help eachother out, help other people and so on.

Since I've had only some experience with discord servers I'd love someone who knows a bit about them but that's not as important as just having some people join to come to together and talk about our community and out works.

I'd also be really happy to make some events, not necessarily writing themed, make friends and just have fun.

If you are reading this then you've already been invited. Add me on discord and we'll jump right into it :))

ig: saturnscrapz
twt: saturntwwt

Love, Laura (Ayden Lee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now