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2.1.2020, Maihua

I brushed through my hair and put on a random outfit I prepared yesterday. I walked out of the bathroom and to Laura. I climbed onto the bed and next to her. She smiled and kissed my nose again. I smiled back.

"Come on let's go" I pulled her up from the bed and out the door. Another day of tiring meet and greets. I only have to do this for today and tomorrow though so that's great.

Realization hit me. I'm going home in three days. Which means I won't see her anymore. The thought stuck with me all day. I went for lunch with Laura again. She must have noticed because before we even sat down she asked me if I'm okay.

"Yeah I just realized that I'm going home in three days. Which means I won't get to see you anymore"

She gave me sad smile. "We'll facetime everyday. And we'll text all the time. Every now and then we'll visit eachother. And collab as well"

I nodded and smiled. She hugged me and whispered: "I'll miss you though"

I smiled and moved away. "I'll miss you too"


I hugged the last fan of today. She was so sweet it made me realize all over again why I love doing this so much. We took some pictures and then she left with her mom. I finally relaxed for a bit. I waited for a few minutes incase anyone else comes.

I saw Laura coming towards me. I smiled and opened my arms. She smiled back and started running into my arms. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I laughed and spun her around.

"Are you two dating?" a young boy, around 15, came up to us. His nose was scrunched up and he seemed uncomfortable.

"No. Just good friends" Laura explained. As much as I knew it was true it still hurt. The boy seemed fine and asked Laura for a picture. He gave me a dirty look. I was confused, I did nothing wrong. I brushed it off and carried on with my day as I usually would. We got dinner and ate in in Lauras room. Then we watched a movie and laughed pretty much all the time instead of watching. We filmed enough tik toks to last us until the end of the month.

The others appeared wet in their swimsuits. They dried off and joined in on the fun.

Love, Laura (Ayden Lee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now