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6.2.2020, Laura

I ended the call and went down the stairs. I found him in the kitchen talking to my mom.

"Hey Max" I said. A smile creeped onto his face.

"Hey" he replied.

"Let's go upstairs" I said rushing him up to my room. I let him in and locked the door, not wanting anyone to interrupt. I was planning on having a proper talk with him, solving this out and trying to understand why he decided it would be a good idea.

"Okay now explain" I said sitting down next to him and getting a bit comfortable. It took him a while to figure out how to explain but when he finnaly did his explanation was pretty good. He was drunk and he didn't realize it wasn't even me until it was to late and he was already too much into it. The moment took him over and he did it. He regretted it but he couldn't go back in time to fix it.

I sighed. "I don't know if I can trust you again. It really hurt when I saw you with her"

"No I understand I just wanted you to know that it wasn't my intention" he explained, still sounding a bit disappointed.

"I'm willing to try again. We'll both have to work on the relationship but I'm willing to do that if you are"

He smiled. "Yes absolutely. There's nothing I wouldn't do to have you back. I miss you so much. I feel like I've been going crazy" he laughed at the end a bit nervously. I smiled back.

"Soo does this mean you'll be my girlfriend again?" he asked. I nodded. He pulled me into a quick hug and then moved away. He placed his hand gently on my cheek and kissed me. I kissed back.

I waited for the fireworks and the butterflies. Like what I felt before all of this. And like I felt with Maihua. But it never happened. I didn't think much of it. It was probably because I was still hurt.


Max had to leave pretty soon but we agreed on seeing eachother the next day. If not that then we'd just go for facetime or watching youtube together over somekind of app. Anything we'd find really. I was happy to be back with him. I really did miss him.

But someone else wasn't.

"Wait what? Why would you go back to him when he hurt you this much?"

A/N: treating you guys with another chapter since it's #maihuaday ;)

Love, Laura (Ayden Lee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now