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10.2.2020; Maihua

I drove and drove for hours. I didn't have a destination or a plan. I just knew that if I drove it could hopefully calm me down. I didn't take my phone or laptop. Just my car and a USB with road trip music on it. I was gripping the wheel in my hands, my anger filled mind traveling from thought to thought just as fast as I was from one city to the other. I glanced out the window and was greeted with nothing but plains. Grass, grass and grass. Occasionally a village appeared in the distance.

I looked back at the road. I should be paying attention. Especially since I'm this angry I'm more likely to crash and I don't want that. Unless I do. No no, I don't. I'm not like this, I don't want it to end yet.

Ugh but I do. I hate every second of this miserable story. Especially since I've lost the one best friend I could always count on. I'm so stupid. Worthless. A waste of space.

My vision blurred because of the tears coating my eyes. I hurriedly blinked them off only for more to appear.

"Fuck" I mumbled and wiped my tears off. Still to no avail as more and more ran over my eyes and slowly out of them as well. I took a deep breath and ignored them. I didn't want to stop. I was scared of not being able to carry on if I did. I didn't have a phone to call someone and the last town I passed is miles behind me.

I gripped my wheel harder and pushed down on the gas. Mabye I could find another town or village and help myself there. Yeah that's what I'll do. I speed up and turned my music's volume up. One direction came on.

History, one of my favorite ones, played reminding me even more of the past couple of months. I thought all the way back to when I met Laura. She literally fell unconscious the first second I saw her. I chuckled at that thought. I remember staying at the hospital with her. And I didn't even know her. Crazy right? My mind flashed through all the facetimes we had and all the movies we watched together. To the time she visited me here in North Carolina when her and Gaonha became actually good friends. I wonder if they still talk.

My thoughts covered all of the space in my mind, leaving none for worrying about safety. Before I realized it I was already flipping over into a ditch by the road. I closed my eyes. I hoped and prayed that it happens quickly and without pain.

Mabye not bringing a phone was a bad idea after all.

Love, Laura (Ayden Lee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now