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12.2.2020; Maihua

Gaonha entered the room once again. I saw another person behind her, all though they didn't enter. She stood by the door.

"Someone's here to see you" she said, smiling as if she's just saved someone's life. She opened the door. Behind it, stood an awkward Laura. A single tear escaped my eye as I realized how much I actually missed her. I noticed she's been crying as well.

"Hey" she mumbled and entered the room while Gaonha left.

"Hey" I replied patting the empty space on my bed. She smiled and sat down.

"I'm really sorry for what happened. It's my fault you're here" she said, looking at her hands rather than me.

"No I'm sorry. First of all it's not my place to tell you who you can and can't date. Second I shouldn't have blocked you. I overreacted and acted stupidly" I replied, earning a smile and nod from her. I smiled back.

"Can we go back to being best friends now? I hated not having you there to talk to" she trailed of and looked away as if she was embarrassed of something.

"Absolutely. I couldn't stand knowing I can't just call you" I replied, bringing her out of the thought she was embarrassed of.

"How are you doing?" she asked, gesturing at the stuff around me that was pumping life into me.

"I only broke my arm and fractured a few of my ribs. Other than that it was just schock, but that's passed now as well" I explained smiling, hoping to calm her down. She nodded. "Good"

Hours passed like minutes with Laura here. Before I knew it a doctor was rushing her out, saying visiting hours are over and she had to leave. We said a quick goodbye and she left. I was alone once again. It was boring with no one here but at least I had a tv and my phone.

Laura was staying at ours until I got out of the hospital. We didn't really have a plan for getting her back home, but we figured that's a problem for future us. She was doing school online now anyway so that wasn't a worry at all.

My mind traveled back to the day of the accident. I saw exactly what I saw then. The world outside of the car spun around before crashing down, falling into darkness practically immediately.

I sighed, taking my mind of it by going on my phone.

Love, Laura (Ayden Lee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now