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10.2.2020; Laura

I hated myself so much more all of a sudden. I've given in again. I promised myself I wouldn't but I did. How did I let another person push me so far down again? I shook my head and pushed the thoughts away. I didn't need more shit on top of my head.

I took my laptop out and started on my school work. I avoided all of the hard ones, meaning Physics and Math and Chemistry. English was easy, a quick creative writing thing that I didn't actually have to send to anyone which was absolutely amazing. A part of my heart has always been dedicated to writing, all though I never pushed it too much. Probably because I felt insecure and didn't want to show anyone. That's why not having to send this made me extremely happy.

Isabbele wrote the letter, worked on it for hours until she was finally happy with it. She read through the letter explaining how sorry she is for leaving Simon so suddenly. She fixed a couple of mistakes she didn't like and signed the letter. Her pet crow flew in and dropped on her arm.

"Hey buddy" she mumbled and handed the crow her letter. Ray held the letter in his beac and flew off into the night. Isa watched the bird turn towards the town where he'd find Isa's lover and deliver him the news.

Hm, no. I backspaced on the last part, not satisfied with it at all. I spent a couple of minutes on it but to no avail. I couldn't get it to sound right. I gave up on it after trying every combination of words I could think of. I lost motivation to write so I closed the laptop, right after checking the time.

"8.30" I read out loud. Baving a bath sounded amazing. I walked to the bathroom and ran a bath. Thank god Emz was having a sleepover with someone. I didn't have to worry about saving warm water for her. I started the bath and grabbed my robe and towel while waiting for the water to fill up. Once the bath was ful I dropped a bathbomb inside and added a touch of bubble bath. I waited patiently for the bathbomb to dissolve. In the mean time I played one of my playlists and lit a couple of candles just because I had some and I mean why not.

I dipped into the hot water, my body getting used to it pretty fast. I leaned back in the bathtub and closed my eyes letting my mind float in space while Falling by Harry Styles played in the background. After the song ended I opened my eyes and grabbed the nearest book, even though it wasn't actually mine.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver. Emily has been talking about it a lot so I might as well read it. I read the first chapter, the book was interesting all though I wasn't sure if it was interesting enough. I placed it down and finnished my bath.

Love, Laura (Ayden Lee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now