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3.2.2020, Laura

Maihuas room was way better than what it looked like on facetime. It was simple but far from plain. Her walls were just white and her floor was light brown wood. Her bed was placed by the window and next to it was a small beside table. She had a desk by her window. Her closet was a small room with black and white doors. She had LED lights on one wall and a bunch of drawings from fans om the opposite one. Under them was a small black couch.

"Sorry it's dirty I didn't know you were coming. Obviously" she laughed. "You can sleep on the bed or on an air mattress"

"I'll take the air mattress" I smiled. She nodded and got the air mattress in so it blows up by the time we get back. We ended up having a day in, watching movies and youtube videos, vibing to music and filming tik toks.

It got pretty late and we haven't had dinner yet so we went to a 24/7 McDonalds. So healthy, I know. We were pretty much alone so we didn't bother with being very quiet. We had a lot of fun eating and goofing around for hours.

"How long are you staying?" I asked on the way back home.

"Four days. Today's Saturday so I'm leaving Wednesday" I nodded.

We eventually arrived back home and got ready for bed. We were both tired so we feel asleep in minutes.




I woke up first. Maihua looked so cute while sleeping I couldn't help but take a quick photo. I know it's creepy but she was so adorable.

I got up and got ready in her bathroom. I put on minimum makeup and went to the kitchen. Her sister was already up.

"Mornin" I forced a smile onto my face.

"Mornin" she smiled back. "Maihua still sleeping?"

I nodded. She moved over to the fridge.

"What do you wanna eat?" she asked not looking at me, instead studying the fridge.

"Oh I'm not hungry. Me and Maihua will probably go out anyway"

She nodded and sat back down at the table. I realized coming here was a bit of a waste of time so I went back to Maihuas room. I plopped down on her couch and scrolled through my social media.

I heard movement on my left. I looked over and saw Maihua waking up slowly. I smiled at her.


She groaned and stretched. "Mornin"

Love, Laura (Ayden Lee fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang