Gojuu- Gardener is not happy.

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"I ended up not doing anything. I wonder if they'll be mad"

The roof of the cave cracked and collapsed in as roots came through before a certain curse fell face first into the ground while Haruta only commended him for his hard work nonchalantly. His heart started beating when he saw that the curse didn't get back up before licking his lips. With fake pity, he drew his sword with a sadistic look as he started approaching the curse and offering to put him out of his misery before someone swung an arm around his shoulders, congratulating him on the good work.

"You're just a human. Don't act on your own. Or I'll kill you." Mahito threatened.

A poor attempt to brush Haruta's own actions were made by shrugging it off saying he was playing nice. He asked Mahito after a few tense seconds if he got the goods to which he happily showed off the six fingers in his hands with a smile. He also had one to three of the Cursed Wombs: Death Paintings.

The scene changes back to a previous period where the group were discussing their plans with the reveal of Tengen's immortality technique. However, Tengen never interfered in the world aside from maintaining barriers so Mahito would be able to get inside by following his own cursed energy placed on the three fingers under seals that they allowed to be retrieved.

They planned on trapping Gojo outside so the attention of breaking the veil to protect his students would distract him enough so Mahito could retrieve the items. Mahito was tasked with thinning out as many Jujutsu sorcerers to make it easier for Hanami. Hanami inquired if it was alright to kill everyone else besides Sukuna's vessel. With an immediate rebuttal, Geto stated that one of the students acted as a landmine for Sukuna so it was best not to unless they wanted the possibility of ruining their future plans.

Jogo demanded to know why they didn't just kidnap Itadori ahead of time. Both Itadori and Sukuna acted as land-minds for the Jujutsu sorcerers and them so it was best to only trigger them when they wanted more chaos. They needed to save all they can to seal Gojo away on October 31st, the Shibuya Incident. Mahito huffed before muttering that he wanted to see the Gardener which reminded everyone of the land bombs the Gardener was with his cat. He was given a weird small vile by Geto before it was explained that Geto messed up by revealing himself to (M/N) on the assumption that he would give up his cursed cat.

"Ne ne, I don't get it so are both (M/N) and that cat also curses?" Mahito asked.

"Ie, they aren't technically curses. It's a bit complicated in my research but it seems that they were both normal." Geto smiled.

"Huh?! So what makes the cat so special." Jogo interrupted.

"No idea, somehow as time went on the cat was cursed and got a name for itself but those two are said to be equally dangerous from what our intel tells us." Geto laughed while Uraume watched in the background.


"Huh? I'm absolutely going to kick that curse's ass and feed him to Neko." I threatened.

"Meow." My cat growled at the destruction.

"Thank you for agreeing with me. For a curse talking about nature and its desire to protect it. It sure loves destroy nature in the process. Hypocrite." I grumbled.

"Meow." My cat hissed.

"Oh so this is what you meant by lying thots need to die. Let's go see Itadori. We can discuss killing thots later."

My cat returned to his shadow with a satisfied purr before I went to find Itadori. I went to the medical ward where Fushiguro was and saw them all eating pizza together. I sat down next to Kugisaki before I took a pizza slice and started eating it. They were all talking about how well Itadori got along with a gorilla which turned out to be Todo. I grabbed an extra pizza slice before feeding it casually to Fushiguro who ate it since he wasn't joining in on pizza eating. His face was slightly red and blue, possibly from food being stuffed into his mouth. I apologised before slowing down how fast I fed him so he wouldn't choke.

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