Back in time

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Draco cleaned his tears and walked away from the door. He went to the Great Hall to have lunch. He sat alone at the Slytherin table, thinking about Daisy. The twins got close to him.

- Malfoy, how's Daisy? - Fred asked.

- If she was okay she would be here laughing, don't you think? - he said without looking at them.

- She's going to be fine. - George said.

Draco didn't reply and kept looking at his food. He wasn't that hungry. The twins looked at each other.

- If you need to talk, you can talk with us. - George said trying to help.

- I'm fine!

The twins left him. He was pushing the food with his fork. When he noticed, all the students were leaving for class but his class was at 2 pm so he walked in the corridors, alone. He was so lost in his thoughts that didn't hear McGonagall calling his name. She touched his shoulder.

- Mr.Malfoy!

- Sorry...Did something happen to Daisy? - he asked concerned.

- She's asking for you.

Draco followed McGonagall to the same small room. She had her head down and was crying.

- Love? - Draco said getting close to her.

She looked at him with her eyes red.

- I can't do this anymore, Draco...Please stop this...- she said crying.

His eyes filled with tears. Seeing her like that was hard and he knew that she had to do it.

- I'm sorry, Daisy.

- Please...This hurts.

- I know. - he said holding her face. - You'll thank me later.

He walked away and nodded with his head to Dumbledore. They kept using the spell. Draco left the room and closed the door. He tried to ignore her painful screams but it was impossible. He covered his face.

- Do you need a hug? - a calm voice asked.

Draco looked up and saw Luna. People, usually, don't like to hug him.

- Yes please. - he said walking to Luna.

Sometimes a hug can help a lot. Draco didn't know Luna that well but he still hugged her.

- You can talk with me. - she said.

He stopped the hug.

- Thank you.

- Anytime! - she said leaving him.

He went to the library. He was looking for a dark arts book so he could understand what was happening. At first, he didn't found any book about it, the only book that talked about that was in the restricted section. Draco decided not to go grab the book and sat on a table. He looked at the table and saw "Daisy Roads, second year" written on the table. There was also Hermione's name. 

- Time flew...- he said.

He remembered something that happened in their second year. One of the firsts times he spoke to her. He already had a tiny crush on her.

*4 years ago. Second year*

Draco was at the Slytherin table with Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. They were making fun of someone, probably the Weasleys or Potter. Daisy was with Hermione, Harry, and Ron. She looked back at Draco. She got up and walked to him.

Draco |A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now