Royal Blood

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Back on the transport ship, the group that was left behind were simply waiting for the others to return

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Back on the transport ship, the group that was left behind were simply waiting for the others to return. While Jade and Dioyoza had taken to watching the lining trees, Gaia had taken an interest in Madi. The Priestess had once named the small girl a commander but through the advice of the Flame, Madi had named another. The decision intrigued her as she wanted to know how she had come up with that conclusion. Not to mention, if anything would happen to Nia, Madi might be the next commander in line.

Their discussion didn't seem to last long as Diyoza interrupted only she had warned them enough about the threat that was near. But they weren't prepared for the attack that quickly followed. Darts shot out towards them each finding a mark among them. Their bodies dropping to the ground soon after unable to move.

All they could do was watch as the strangers moved around them. The group going in and dragging the bodies of their prisoners out. They could all hear their conversation before they began to chant.

"Death to Primes! Death to Primes!"

The chant loud as it flowed through the trees. It's words reaching the ears of a team that was approaching. One of the guards tried to get the team to turn back as one of their own fought to move forward. But Bellamy wasn't going to turn back while Jade was still out there and most likely in danger.

"It's okay. We don't need them." She added as she had made Nia a promise to return her daughter to her. "Go. We'll bring our family home."

"This should be fun." Octavia commented with a spring in her step as she continued down the path.

Night had fallen as the paralysis had yet to wear off. The group now gathering discussing matters about a host. It seems that the retrieval team was more than expected as the group tried to wait for them to show but the length of time was beginning to make a couple of them anxious. But the others wouldn't back down until they carried out the next phase of the the plan. There were too many working parts for them to abandon it all. They had come to a quick compromise wanting to wait a bit longer for the others to show.

Meanwhile, what remained of the retrieval team was not far off. The group hidden carefully before trying to devise their next move. They also had to make sure that whatever they did didn't cause the others on the ship harm.

"No, but one of them is leaving, and she's taking the guns." Echo informed after looking through the binoculars.

"Why would they give up their advantage? Doesn't make sense." Bellamy wondered as the use of weapons was taken out of the equation.

"No, but it makes a fair fight." Raven input as the odds seemed to balance out.

Bellamy began to lay out their next movement when his sister interrupted him. She wasn't going to allow their weapons to be taken and them left with nothing in a situation where they weren't sure what they were facing. She didn't wait for a reply and left in a hurry. But she didn't get far as her knee brushed a wire and above her a clutter sounded.

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