Irrational Decisions

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"Thank god she's still in there

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"Thank god she's still in there. It would have destroyed Abby." Jackson noted after Bellamy had given them the news that Clarke was still alive inside her body.

During his meeting with Russell Prime, Bellamy had noted the blonde tapping against her arm in code. It wasn't till after the meeting was done that he deciphered it. With this new piece of information, he called a meeting to find a way to bring the girl back.

"Question is, how do we get Josephine out?" He asked hoping someone would think of an idea.

"We need Raven." Echo stated knowing that the engineer was far more superior than them in that field. "She'll know what to do."

But Nia was far from upset at the conversation. Sheidheda's words kept replaying in her head about the fact that someone was after her commander title. And this situation proved it. Not only had Gaia restrained her in a moment of critical importance but Bellamy had spoke on their behalf. He had made a deal with the Primes about retaliation and compromise. It should've been her decision to attack or not. She felt that the conversation from before had played a part when she suggested that they gathered more information.

What had also played on her mind was the fact that Jade had gone back to the mothership with Raven. While she was busy with the separation ritual, the young girl had told Fox of her concern for Atlas with Simone Prime going to the mothership and expressed her need to go along. It didn't take much convincing as Fox thought the girl was safer on board the mothership whereas Nia was fighting against a dark commander. The two shared a quick good-bye before the girl ran off to join the others on the transport ship.

"Raven's not here." Madi spoke out in hopes that there was another way with the engineer. She had been more than anxious about losing Clarke. Clarke had been a mother to the girl after Primfaya. When she was told that a Clarke was gone and they wouldn't attack, she was angered by the notion. She had also wondered why Bellamy was the one who stated the term and not Nia.

"Hey, we're gonna get her back." Bellamy tried to calm the girl down before staring the rest of the plan. "When the transport ship lands, we'll be waiting in the field with Josephine. Once we're all back on the mothership, Abby, Raven and Jackson will go to work."

"What if they don't open the shield and let us out?" Miller stated a complication they might run into.

"If they don't Josephine dies." Echo answered with their leverage they would have.

"That's why they will." Bellamy supported knowing that Josephine's live had value to the Primes.

"What about Delilah?" Jordan asked about the girl he had fallen for. With this new information, he was hoping that the same could be done for her to be brought back to him. "If Clarke's still alive, then she could be, too."

But the others weren't concerned about her life over their friend's. In the end, Clarke was one of them whereas Delilah belonged to Sanctum.

"You only care about Clarke." The boy pieced together at their lack of silence for his concern.

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