Chapter 36 - Happy Birthday!

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Little Note - So after doing some thinking, I've decided that I will continue with two chapters a day. But only if people, really want me to!

And I'm actually enjoying it too, so I don't mind.

Jac awakes, and looks at the time 7:45am, she turns to look at Kian.

She shakes him "Kian, get up."

"What?" He says, turning to her.

"It's Emma's birthday today, she's nine."

"How could I forget that?" He smiles, as he gets up.

"I know you wouldn't." Jac smiles back.

"Can't wait to see when this one's birthday Is." He says, as she cuddles into him and they lay back down.

"Whenever it decides, it wants to come out of my body and cause massive pain." She replies, laughing a bit.

"It'll be worth it though." He smiles again.

A cry starts to come from, the baby monitor.

"I'll go get her." Jac smiles back, as she gets out of bed and leaves the room.

She enters Harriet's room, and turns the light on "Hey what's up little one?" She says, as she sees Harriet standing up in her crib.

Jac picks her up, and holds her on her waist "Mummy."

"Yeah, that's me." Jac smiles, as she walks back into her and Kian's bedroom.

She sits back down on the bed, and Harriet smiles "Milk."

"Not yet." Jac replies "Later."

"Daddy." Harriet says, as she starts to sniffle.

Kian picks Harriet up into a hug, "Hey, it's okay."


"No Emma's asleep right now." Jac says, rubbing Harriet's hair.

"Birthday?" Harriet says, looking up at Jac.

"Yeah, that's right." She smiles "It's Emma's birthday."

Jac picks Harriet up and sits her on the floor, Harriet stands up and walks into the bathroom.

She starts opening drawers and picks up a box of tampons, and she starts to open it.

She takes one out, and waddles back into the bedroom.

"Mummy, daddy look!" She says, clearly proud of herself.

"Lollipop!" Harriet says, in delight.

"No!" Jac says jumping up, and taking it off her.

"We don't go taking things, that aren't ours okay?"

"Otay mummy." Harriet says, as she sniffles.

"No there isn't a need to cry, is there?" Jac says, picking Harriet up and rocking her on her shoulder.


"Kian, we better start getting Emma's birthday party ready." Jac smiles, turning to him.

"Yeah, we should." He smiles back.

They walk downstairs together, to a decorated living room ready for a party.

"What?" Jac says looking around, in shock.

"I got it ready last night, as I knew you was exhausted." Kian smiles, putting his arm on her shoulder.

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