Chapter 49 - You Can't Run

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"Kian, you can't run from this." She says, walking closer to him.

"Yeah I can, because it isn't true." He replies, crossing his arms.

He exhales deeply, and watches her "Is it mine?"

"Yeah, it is." She replies.

"I just want you out of my life." He replies "I don't want a part in this."

Sarah Jane sighs, as he goes to walk away.

Suddenly she holds onto the wall in pain, "Help me!" She shouts.

Kian turns back and walks over to help.

"Right, I'm taking you up to Darwin."


Jac reaches the roof, and sees Linda with Noah.

"Hi, you must be Linda." Jac smiles, approaching slowly.

Linda turns around, "It's not right, he's supposed to be dead."

"What do you mean?" Jac asks, confused.

"They told me my son was dead, why is he still here?"

"Linda, that isn't your son." Jac sighs "That's Noah."

"No, he's my son." Linda replies, walking closer to the edge.

"What are you going to do?" Jac asks, inching closer.

"I'm going to drop him."

"What? Why?" Jac asks, concerned.

"You can't.." She says, wanting to take Noah and keep him safe.

"He's supposed to be dead, so that's what I'm doing." Linda replies, stepping closer to the edge.

"Linda, please..." Jac says, trying to calm her down.

Noah starts to wake up and cry, "He needs me." She says.

"No, he needs me." Linda replies.

Linda walks to the edge of the room, and holds Noah over it.


Kian is standing in Sarah Jane's side bay, when she eventually wakes up.

"Hello." He says, his face stern and angry.

"The baby, how's the baby?" She asks.

"Like you, care." Kian replies "It's probably got drugs in its system."

"Yeah, then it'll be the just like it's father them won't it?" She says, smirking up at Kian.

"You should stop this." Kian says "I know, it's not mine."

"I'm six and half months, I think it is yours." She replies.

Kian rubs his head and sighs "Jac better not hear about this."

"Aw, back together?" Sarah Jane, teases.

"I don't need you in my life." He says, angrily.

"Well, you're going to be in my life for the next eighteen years or so." She replies.


Linda, is close to dropping Noah.

"Please, don't do it." Jac says, scared for her son.

"He needs to die." Linda replies "He should be dead."

"Please, he doesn't need to be hurt." Jac says "I just want to help you."

Linda turns to face Jac "Nobody wants to help me."

"I do." Jac smiles, trying to keep her on side.

Noah starts to get more hysterical, which is clearly upsetting Linda.

"Give him to me, and I promise I'll help you." She says, as she walks closer to Linda.

Linda passes Noah, back to her but as Jac looks away Linda goes splat.

Jac rushes and looks over the edge "Oh my God..."

She rushes back into the building, and tries to find Kian.

She eventually finds him talking to Sarah Jane, and barges in.

"Kian!" She shouts, before she sees SJ and stops in her tracks.

"" She says, confused.

"Jac, what's wrong?" He asks, "Why have you got Noah?"

"He got kidnapped, and the person who did it... she died." She says, as she tries to stop tears falling from her eyes.

Jac looks down and noticed Sarah's bump, she sighs.

"It's yours isn't it?" She says, looking at Kian.

"Yeah." He sighs, as he braces himself for what Jac will do.

Jac slowly puts Noah down in a cot nearby, and she walks up to Sarah Jane and slaps her hard across the face.

"Leave us alone, you drug selling cow!" Jac shouts.

"Well I can't now can I?"

Jac sighs, and looks down at the floor "Kian, I can't even be angry at you."

"I want to be angry, but I can't." She says, "Because, I love you too much."

Sarah Jane makes a sick face.

Jac sits on the edge of her bed, "Now you leave me and my family alone, or I will destroy you and your child. And I will not stop until every last piece of you is gone."

"You wouldn't do that to him, you wouldn't do it to your husbands baby."

"Oh Sarah, that's where you're wrong." Jac says "There is one thing I hate more in the world than drug dealers, and that is liars."

"What?" Sarah Jane says, confused.

"You aren't pregnant are you?" Jac says, "You just wanted to wiggle your way back into Kian's life, so you could supply him and destroy him."

"Jac?!" Kian says, trying to stop her.

"Stand up, now." Jac demands, Sarah Jane does so.

"Kian, leave the room." She says, and Kian obeys her.

"I want you to lift up your gown, now."

"What?!" Sarah Jane says confused.

"I want to see your bump, I want you to prove it's real."

"This is misconduct!" Sarah Jane says, crossing her arms.

"Yeah well, drug dealers don't get an opinion." She sighs.

Sarah Jane scowls, and does as she is told.

"Oh God." Jac replies, seeing its very real.

"See, I don't lie." Sarah Jane replies, smugly.

"Get back on the bed, I'm doing a scan." Jac replies, walking out of the room.

Jac grabs a ultrasound machine  from outside, and walks back in.

She proceeds with the scan, and then walks outside with the news for Kian.


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