The Burrow

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We pull up to a large house that looked all dainty like. Harry opens the car door, steps out, and turns to me, offering me his hand. I smile and take it, sliding out of the car, staring up at the house. "Well, welcome to the Burrow" Ron says to me, with a smile on his lips. I look from Ron as the others exit the car. First to go in is the twins, along with Ginny. Ron looks from Harry and me, back to his house before leaving the two of us alone.

I look as the house door closes, then to Harry who turns to me, a smile on his face "Nervous?" He asks and I pale almost immediately. I nod, looking back to the house, unsure of what to say. Yeah I'm nervous, why wouldn't I be? "Well, don't be. Molly and Arthur are nothing. They normally love everyone we bring over" Harry says, taking my chin, turning me to face him. I look up into his eyes and see the worry flash behind them.

"I know you don't mean that" I say, glancing from his lips to his eyes. He catches the action, and places a soft kiss against my mouth, causing me to go weak at the knees. He pulls away just in time for Ginny to come outside, glancing between the two of us as we grab our trunks from the car. I look up, catching her eye as she makes her way towards us. Oh great, this cant  be good. "Can we talk for a second?" Ginny says, looking from me to Harry, then back to me.

Harry looks to me, and I look to him, giving him a slight nod before he disappears into the house. I look back to Ginny, unsure of what to say. Apart of me what's to hear what she has to say, the other part seriously doesn't care what she has to say. I set my trunk down on the ground, crossing my arms over my chest. I look from the trunk to her, waiting for her to continue. She shuffles from foot to foot, something she only does when she's nervous, then she looks up to me again, slightly red in the cheeks. "I was wondering if you wanted to push past all this stuff that happened in the past and get to how things were before" she stampers on the last part, showing me she's seriously nervous about all this.

I look down then back to her before I answer her "I don't know Ginny. I mean what happened in the past was just a mistake and you resented me for it ever since. You put me through a living hell these past couple months. I just don't know" I finish my sentence as she looks at me, anger taking over her face almost instantly. "So what, he kisses you and suddenly he's forgiven but when I come out here and apologize to you, you shot me down?" She crosses her arms over her chest the way I am, glaring at me. "Don't worry about it. I didn't want to do this anyways. I only did it because Dean asked me too" She says, before storming off into the house.

I look up into the sky as the snow slowly begins to fall. What am I going to do? Why did I even come here? This was just a huge mistake. I look down at my trunk, grabbing the handle before making my way into the house.


I walk in to the house looking the way it did outside. Completely perfect. Like any normal muggle home. Except this house doesn't contain any muggles. And its not a muggle home. I look around the room and spot a short plump woman in the kitchen, washing some dishes. She stops and looks up to me as I enter the room. Suddenly I'm at a loss for words and she can see that. She smiles to me, a warm smile, before looking back to her dishes.

Okay, that was weird. I stand there awkwardly, debating on weather or not I should say hello when Harry and Ron enter the kitchen, now changed into their usual clothes. Harry comes to stand beside me, as Ron talks with his mum. I look to Harry as a huge smile spreads across his face "Here, lemme help you with that" He says, taking my trunk for me.

I thank him before crossing my arms over my chest, in attempt to keep myself warm. Wearing your school uniform in 20 degree weather isn't such a good idea. "I'm going to take Rose to her room" Harry calls over his shoulder as we make our way into the living room and up the stairs.

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