.. Back to School ..

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We apperate back to the castle completely in a daze. I let go of Luna and Draco's hands, looking around to where we apperated. I see we landed near Hagrid's hut. I smile, as I look back to Draco and Luna, who were still avoiding one another's gaze.

Luna smiles to me, before looking behind me, a huge grin appearing on her face. I turn to see Ernie Macmillan walking towards us, a large pail in his hand. He's wearing rain boots over his jeans, and a Hufflepuff hoodie sat on his torso.

He smiles when he reaches us, but his smile grows when he spots Luna with us. "Hey guys" He greets, setting the pail down at his feet. When he leans back up, Luna speaks up.

"Ernie, how are you?"

Ernie shrugs his shoulders, glancing between Draco, Luna, and myself. "This is a sight to see, isn't it?"

Draco, Luna, and I all look between the three of us, before looking back to Ernie who's wearing a small smile on his lips.

"Whatcha on about, Macmillan?" Draco says, rolling his eyes.

Ernie rolls his eyes at Draco's annoyance, before looking back to Luna and I. "A Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and a Slytherin all hanging around one another. It's not something you see everyday"

I hear Draco murmur something under his breath about how Slytherin is better than Hufflepuff house, before I smile to Ernie.

"Down feeding the thestrals?" Luna asks, sounding much chipper than before.

Ernie glances down at the pail, then back up to Luna, nodding with a huge smile on his face. "Yeah, Hagrid lets me go down and feed them while he's away"

"Hagrid's gone?" I ask, suddenly looking alarmed. I see Luna tense beside me, as Hagrid was her favorite teacher. Draco even seemed to be paying more attention to the conversation, knowing that a teacher had disappeared since our apperation earlier today.

"Yeah, the Carrow's sent him out to take care of a few things in Diagonalley. Hagrid wouldn't exactly tell me what Snape was sending him out there for, but he didn't seem to fancy the idea of leaving the castle.." Ernie says, looking back to Luna, a small frown appearing on his face.

"What happened to your face, Luna?"

Luna shuffles from foot to foot, before looking back up to Ernie, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Just got myself into a pickle" Luna says, giggling softly.

I glance to Draco, who avoids everyone's eye, as he looks around the lands, seeming to be searching for someone or something.

"Well, if you want, I can walk you to the Hospital Wing so Madam Pomphry can take a look at that. You need to get that cut cleaned up and that black eye taken care of" Ernie offers, and Luna nods to him.

I watch as Ernie bends down to pick up the pail, which I noticed was full of a dark purple liquid, before standing and joining Luna. Luna smiles to him, before looking to me.

"Will you be okay?"

Luna didn't finish her sentence but I knew full well what she was referring to.. Draco.

I give her a soft nod, and I watch as the two of them walk side by side, occasionally making brief eye contact.

I turn to look at Draco, who now is staring up at Hagrid's house.

"Wonder why Hagrid had to go into Diagonalley" I say, and I watch as Draco turns to look at me, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's untelling with the Carrows" Draco says, acting as though they weren't really awful people.

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