Epilouge: Eight Years Later

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"How does my tie look?" Ron asks, adjusting his tie in the mirror of Shell Cottage. I stand behind him with Harry at my side. Both were dressed in amazing dress robes, after all it is an occasion worth wearing them.

I smooth out a wrinkle on my lilac colored dress, that Hermione forced me to wear. Well, forced all her bridesmaids to wear. "At least you don't have to wear a dress" I say, causing both boys to laugh at my remark.

There's a knock on the door, and I walk over, opening it slightly, letting George step through. He looks over to his brother, smiling like he never had before.

"Shut up" Ron says, before George could pick on him farther. I laugh, as George throws his hands up in protest, but looks around to all of us, then back to Ron.

"Everyone just wanted me to come and see what was up. You were supposed to start this an hour ago" George says, as we walk towards Harry and Ron.

Ron lets out a frustrated sigh, but looks back at his reflection in the mirror, undoing his tie again.

"It's this rubbish" he says, yanking the tie off, glaring down at it in his hand. George's laughs, but walks over, taking the tie from Ron.

I watch as he gracefully flips it over Ron's head, then starts to tie it. "You would think, after 25 years of you living, you would know how to tie a tie" George says, sarcasm clear in his tone.

"This is something they didn't teach us in Hogwarts..." Ron says, defending himself.

"What about the Yule Ball?" George says, and Ron rolls his eyes at his brother.

"Ohhhhh, right... You wore... Umm what was it.... Harry, what was it?" George says, smiling to Ron, but looks to Harry as he snaps his fingers in thought.

"A bonnet" Harry says, wiggling his eyebrows at Ron, causing us all to laugh.

"Shove off" Ron says, smiling as George finishes his tie, then he looks the me.

"Just think, bonnet or not, you still got the girl" I say, winking to Ron, who flushes scarlet.

Ron puffs out his chest, smiling brightly "That I did, and I can't wait to make her my wife"

I smile to him, as George takes his finger, poking Ron in the chest "Woah woah, she still has to say yes".

Ron looks to me frantically, as I look to George, ready to murder him. "After that lovely proposal, why wouldn't she" I say, looking to Ron, reassuringly.

"She could still say nooooo" George says in a sing song voice. I throw him a glare, which shuts him up immediately.

"George don't make me hex you into oblivion" I say, taking my wand from the girdle wrapped around my thigh. Hermione wanted us all to wear them, said it felt very inappropriate for her to wear. 

"I don't think St. Mungo's would want their most skilled Doctor going to Azkaban, for murdering WWW Inc's owner" George says, flashing me a dazzling smile.

I roll my eyes at him, not holding back the smile on my face. Harry and Ron are both in hysterics, as I finally let go, laughing along with them.

There's a soft knock on the door, and I go over to the door, opening it slightly to see a small red headed child looking up at me. Well, nine year old I should say.

"When is Father going to be ready?" Rose Weasley says, trying to get a peak at her Father in the room.

"He's almost ready. Tell Grandma and Papa we will be down soon" I say, and she gives me a soft nod, before skipping down the hall, and down the stairs, yelling "Grandmmmmaaaa".

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