..The Boat House..

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I watch as thousands of Death Eaters prowl the grounds, and rush onto the courtyard, spells already being casted. I watch as some spells take down some of the rock guards, and some destroy some of the stone off the castle.

I stand close to Arthur, who shoots a spell at Yaxley, the werewolf. He turns, looking directly at us, and aims his wand, before shooting a green spell. We are quick to dodge it, but by seconds. This fight has already gotten so epic and it's just began.

We rush around people, dodging spells that are being casted and thrown in our direction. I look around, trying to find any of my friends, but none are visible. I feel my heart race faster, as we continue searching for someone, anyone.

But none show up.

I start to get worried, when I hear Hermione yell. I turn quickly to see Yaxley bent over Lavender Brown, his mouth covered in her blood. I cover my mouth with my hands, as Arthur shoots him with the Levicorpus spell, pulling him off his feet, and hanging him upside down, inches off the ground.

"You'll pay for that, Weasley" Yaxley yells, as he struggles to get free, only to fail miserably. Arthur sticks his tongue out at him, before taking my hand, and pulling me around Lavender's dead body, and towards where Hermione and Ron stood.

"Where's Harry?" I ask, panic suddenly rising in my chest. Hermione looks to Ron, before looking back to me.

She goes to say something when we hear Harry yell our names. We all turn to see him and Ginny coming out of the castle, hand in hand. They rush over to us, and I let out a sigh of relief seeing the both of them alive, and together.

"Harry, where-"

"He was saving me!" Ginny says, letting out a sigh of happiness as she looks to Harry. Harry gives her a small smile, before looking back to the four of us.

"Lavender is dead" I say, my voice cracking slightly. Harry looks at me alarmed, as do the rest of my friends, but my eyes never leave Harry. He looks as though all the color has drained from his face, but puts on a hard front.

"Did you hear me?" I ask again, and Harry nods.

"We can't worry about that right now. We need to find Nagini and destroy her" Harry says, going to walk around me, but I take a firm grip on his arm, spinning him to face me. Ginny takes ahold of my hand, shoving it off Harry's arm, glaring at me.

"Back off" I say, shoving her aside, before looking to Harry. Hermione catches Ginny's fall, who's glaring at me. I swear, if looks could kill, I would be dead right now.

"You are messing with the wrong Weasley" Ginny says, going to lunge for me, but Hermione and Ron hold her back.

"Ginny, stop!" Ron says, pulling hard against his sister's restraint. She puts up a fight, but eventually stops, looking from Ron to me.

"What's going on? Why don't you care about students in the castle dying for you?" I ask Harry, who looks around, then back to me. He lets out a sigh, before shaking his head, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm used to it. I'm used to people dying for me. Does it make the pain hurt any less, no. But I can't sit around and cry about it now, when there's a Dark Lord at large, who's going to break down the barrier and kill everyone because of me" Harry says, letting out a sigh of frustration.

I nod to him, as I look from our friends, back to him. "So, where's Nagini?"

"Probably wherever You- Know- Who is" Ron says, and Hermione nods, agreeing with him. I look from them to Harry, who freezes.

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