..The Cave..

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I rush into the Hospital Wing to see Pansy at Draco's side, his hand rests in hers. She smirks at me when I enter.

"Is he alright?" I ask, standing at the edge of his bed. I glance around at the faces of Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and then Pansy.

"Yeah, he's fine. No thanks to your boyfriend.." Pansy sneers, looking back to Draco.

I don't correct her but look back to Draco's body. He's laying on the bed, a breathing machine pumping oxygen into his lungs.

He looks so helpless..

I bite back my tears, as I watch Pansy sniffle.

"Potter is gonna get what's coming to him!" Crabbe says, clenching a chubby fist.

"You bet he is. I'll beat him into a pulp the next time I see his four eyed face in the hallway!" Goyle says, and something hit me.

This was Draco's life. Tormenting Harry and my friends. As much as I'm pissed at Harry, he did this in protection of me. I didn't belong here. Not with all of them.

I turn to leave when Blaise finally speaks up.

"Want us to let him know you stopped by?"

I shake my head, before smiling softly. "Just act like I never existed" I finally say, before leaving the office. Leaving Draco forever.


I walk into Dumbledore's office just as Snape leaves. I watch Snape, then look to Dumbledore.

"What's got his wand in a knot?" I ask, as Dumbledore reaches me.

"Nothing, my dear. He's going to get Harry for me. You ready?"

I simply nod, ready for all this to be over with so I can climb into my bunk and act like today never happened.

Dumbledore smiles softly as we walks around to my side and we leave his office.


Dumbledore and I leave his office, walking through the hallway. We don't say anything but keep close to one another as we make our way to the Astronomy Tower.

We finally make it to the Tower. Dumbledore places a hand on my shoulder, as he guides me towards middle of the room.

Soon after, Snape and Harry show up. I avoid Harry's gaze, focussing on Dumbledore. He seems to be in a heated conversation with Snape but keeping their voices low so we couldn't hear them.

Harry's tried talking to me, but I keep avoiding him, not wanting to talk about anything at all.

"Alright" Snape says, before walking around us and down the Tower stairs.

"Alright, now all we have to do is go to this cave and get a locket that you think is the first horcrux on the list?" Harry says and Dumbledore nods.

"Then what?" I ask as everyone looks to me. Dumbledore smiles softly, before answering me.

"Then to come back to school and make plans for the next horcrux" Dumbledore says, before walking towards us, holding out a arm for the both of us.

I smile before placing my hand on Dumbledore's arm. Harry does the same and in the blink of an eye, there was a loud pop, and we disapperated.


Once we land, my feet hit the ground of a large rock. Stumbling, I fall with a loud thump.

Toujours [HarryPotterFanFiction] **COMPLETED**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ