Train Ride...

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The rest of the break flew by and I felt myself becoming more and more impatient. I had to tell Harry the truth. I had to break up with him. I just couldn't find the right time. Mrs. Weasley had taken us all the Kings Cross Station, and we all said our goodbyes. Everyone had boarded the train except for me and Fred. I looked to him, a small smile playing on my lips. "Well here goes nothing" I said, and watched as his lips turned up into a small smile. "You'll do fine. He needs to know" Fred says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I look to it, then to the train as I feel my palms begin to sweat.

I took one last nod, as we both begin to head towards the train, and climb aboard.


I squeeze between a lot of people, Fred hot on my heels. We were trying to find an empty compartment to fit ourselves into. Once we managed to make it towards the end of the hallway, we find an empty one. Thankfully it wasn't to close to the Slytherin's compartments. We hurriedly climb into the compartment, Fred shutting the door behind me. I take a seat beside the window as he sits across from me.

"I don't think I saw Harry in any of the compartments we passed" Fred says, glancing from the window to me. I shrug my shoulders, adjusting my top. "I know I saw him come aboard with Ginny. Maybe it's for the best??" I say, shrugging abit.

Fred gives me a pointed look, causing me to roll my eyes. "I know, I know" I say, letting out a defeated sigh. "I need to be a big girl and tell him. I just don't want to hurt him more than I already have" I say, looking to Fred. "I know, but put yourself in his shoes" He says, and I nod once more. "I know" Is all I can manage to say, before turning my attention back out the window as the train takes off.


"I'm going to get some air" I say, standing. Fred had ended up falling asleep, but waking when I announced my departure. He simply nods, before placing his head back on the window and closing his eyes.

I shook my head before turning back around and heading out into the crowded hallway.

On my little stroll, I passed a few Slytherins, who pointed and made snide comments as I passed. I also ran into Neville, who seemed to have his nose deep within a Herbology book. No, I wasn't looking for Harry, but if I did see him, it wouldn't of been the worst thing, right??

I was about to give up my "stroll" when I spotted Harry and Ginny in the last compartment. They seemed to be in a heated discussion and I had a feeling it was about his proposal. With a steady breath, I take my hand out of my cloak pocket, and knock softly on the compartment door.

I didn't wait for anyone to welcome me in. Instead I walk in to see them both staring up at me. "Hey love" Harry says, going to stand but I hold my hand up. "Hey" I say, glancing between the two of them. "I can go" Ginny says, standing slightly. I shake my head, looking from her to Harry.

"No need. This will only take a second" I say, and I watch as Harry's smile never leaves his face.... Until the words that are spoken next. "I decline your proposal, Harry. And..." I pause as I feel the tears about to flow over. I had closed my eyes and once I had opened them, I wish I hadn't.

Harry looks as if he already knew what I was about to say. I felt awful. But I had to do this. With a more confident breath, I then continued my little speech. "I don't want to be with you anymore. I think we are better off friends and you have a lot to focus on this year" I say and watch as he looks from his lap to me.

Ginny sits there awkwardly, probably wishing she had left. Don't blame her honestly, but I'm glad she didn't. If she had, I probably wouldn't of plucked up the courage and said the things I just had. And we would probably be in a deep snog right now.

I wait for what seems like ages before Harry looks from Ginny, back to me. His lips pull into a small grin, before he finally comments. "Your right. And I think we are better off as just friends. I do have a lot going on, and I do need to just focus on... You Know Who" He says, and I simply nod, glad he's not mad.

"I'm glad we had this talk" I say, biting my lip. "Me too" He says, before looking back to Ginny. I smile to the both of them, before nodding once and leaving the compartment.

I go near the storage closet on the train, and lean my back against it. All this time I was afraid of how he would take things and he actually took it rather well.

I shook my head as I glance down to my hand, the ring Fred gave me shines in the light from the window. I smile to myself as I regain my posture and start back down the corridor.

Once I reach Harry and Ginny's compartment, I turn to see they're both deep in the same conversation again, this time Harry smiles abit. I smile to myself as I quickly head down to my compartment with Fred, but collide with someone else.

"Hey watch where your going Mudbitch" Pansy Parkinson says, standing up and dusting herself off. I quickly stand up, also dusting off my cloak as I come back with a snide comment myself. "So what, if someone's not full blood like you, they're automatically labeled as a Mudblood?" I say, glaring at her as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Looks that way" Pansy says, placing her hands on her tiny hips. I shake my head, and go to go around her when another body shields my way. "Well well, if it isn't Potters girlfriend" Draco says, putting spite in my ex boyfriends last name. I shake my head, rolling my eyes at him.

"EX girlfriend" I say, putting emphasis on the word "Ex". He chuckles as he wraps his arm around Parkinson's shoulders before he kisses her cheek. "Hmm, what a shame. You all belonged together. You know, being Mudbloods and all" He says, hatred pure in his voice.

It's so odd to think that he used to be this great guy and we clicked so well before. Almost kissed even. And now, he's this stupid boneheaded moron.

I roll my eyes again, and can feel the tension headache coming to play. "Piss off, Malfoy. Before I hex you into oblivion" I say, glaring at him.

I don't know if it was the glare I was giving him, or if he knew I was dead serious that made him stand aside to let me into my compartment, but I wasn't about to ask. Instead I went inside the compartment and sat down across from Fred, who was now in a conversation with George.

They both look to me as I plop down on the seat across from them, and this time, I placed my head against the window. "How'd it go?" Fred asks, and I look to him, then George, before throwing on my best smile I could possibly manage. "Just peachy" I said, before closing my eyes and listening to the boys talk about Viktor Krum and the Tri-Wizard Tournament.


Well that was something!! Glad she called it quits?! And just think, she's only 14. Man oh man. What a year!! And before you all ask, YES, I'm going to write this all the way to the 7th year. And I might combine the 4th and 5th years together. You'll see why soon.

Thank you all so much for actually reading this book. Even though I don't get feed back, I still hope you all enjoy it. But yeah, I don't wanna make this long so :)


P.S. Can any of you guess my real name? If so, and you get it correct, I'll give you a chapter dedication lol. Post your comments and let's see who comes close!

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