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Dumbledore wants us to track down these horcruxes and destroy them. Destroying them will destroy Voldemort. Question is where are they? How will we destroy them? Will it really kill Voldemort?

As February finally came, the castle was getting in preparation for Valentine's Day. Apparently the staff thought it would be a good idea to have a dance, to get everyone in the holiday spirit.

Don't see why they think that way, Valentine's Day is just another day in my opinion.

As everyone finished off their classes, I walked back with my usual group (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) with Lavender and Dean close.

We all go to the dorms, quickly changing into normal clothing. I met everyone back down in the Common Room, then we all walk towards the Great Hall for dinner.

Small talk was passed around for the final match in Quidditch, to what was being served at dinner.
We had passed the Slytherin dungons, as Draco and Blaise walk out.

Draco and I make small eye contact, small smiles on our faces. Once we passed, we continue into the Great Hall, taking our usual seats.

I tap my glass, before taking a small swig of my apple juice. I grab a little food, as Hermione leans over, smiling at me.

"I saw that small eye contact in the hallway" Hermione says, a small smile on her lips.

I smile to myself avoiding her eye. "Whatcha on about?" I ask, taking a bite of a roll.

"Oh you know.." Hermione says, poking my side. I smile to her, as she wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh softly as my eyes meet Harry's.

His green eyes are hard but once his meet mine, they soften. I see the sadness flash behind them, before my eyes flutter to my plate, my appetite suddenly gone.

I push my plate back, resting my head on my palm. There's a soft whistle heard amongst the laughter and chattering of the students.

My eyes scan the room, landing on Draco. He wiggles his fingers, quickly placing them down as his friends look at him.

I smile to him, before going back to my food, taking a small bite.


All of my friends head down to the dance, excited to see one another and their dates. Ginny got asked by Dean, which she full willingly accepted. Hermione got asked by Neville, and she accepted. Ron and Harry were going stag.

Apparently the ball was enough for them, so they wanted to fly solo. I had many offers, including one from Draco, but I declined them all.

I was on a mission.

The ingredients had all be collected except for one, unicorn blood. I had never seen a unicorn before but when I asked Hagrid about them, he said a few roamed the Forbidden Forrest.

I now stand in the middle of the Forrest, wand at my side. I pull my hair back in a small ponytail, keeping it out of my eyes.

I look around, the Forrest completely pitch black. No noises can be heard except for the rustling of the leaves that are left of their branches.

When I had asked Hagrid if he could let me into the Forrest, he gave me an odd look, but agreed, telling me to be careful.

I raise my wand, whispering a soft incantation.


The tip of my wand lights up, lighting up most of the Forrest around me. Shadows dance around the Forrest floor as I make my way deeper inside, keeping my wand out infront of me for light and protection.

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