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"Rose dear. Wake up.."

I groan, feeling my head pounding. I try to open my eyes, but my vision is completely blurry. The room I was in, all I could see was white.

Where am I?

My eyes struggle against the light to focus, but continues to fail. I see a figure step over me, causing my heart to pick up full speed.

"Rose, are you awake?"

The woman sounds familiar, but I can't put a finger on who it was. Last thing I remember was standing in the Forbidden Forrest with Harry, Voldemort killing us both.

So why am I here... Wherever I am..

I try to talk but the woman hushes me, letting out a melodic laugh. She sounds beautiful.

"Try to open your eyes, sweetheart.."

I do as I'm told, screwing my eyes shut, then opening them, glad when my vision focusses, and then I feel a pain in my chest.

The woman looking back at me had the same color hair as me, and the same piercing green eyes. She smiles at me, her smile a soft and warming one, as she bites her bottom lip, smiling brightly.

"Hello sweetheart"

I smile to her, before another figure appears close to us, this time a male. I turn to him, letting out a soft sigh, as he stands next to the woman, pulling her close to him.

"She's finally awake" My Dad says, smiling over to the woman... My Mother.

"I know, I never thought she would wake up" My Mother says, smiling to my Father, before looking over to me.

Was I dreaming?

I glance around, noticing I was in the bedroom I had when I was little, only it was different. At the foot of the bed, sat a large oak desk. On the desk, sat a photo of me and my friend Alysia. We both were Sophomore's in high school. The picture was taken at the Welcome Back dance. I smile, as I feel the fabric of the quilt my Mother made between my fingertips.

This isn't real.

I look to them, letting out a half laugh.

"What is it?" My Father asks, worry on his face.

"What happened to me?" I ask, and my Father looks to my Mother, before looking back to me.

"What do you remember?" He asks, and I tread lightly on the topic, not sure how to answer them. I go to say something, when my Mother speaks up, elbowing my Father in the ribs slightly.

"You.. died, sweetie" She says, gentle.

So, I am dreaming..

"I'm dead?" I say, and my Mother nods, along with my Father. My Father comes around, sitting on the other side of me, as they both take a hand each in theirs. I look down at both of their hands on mine, holding onto them both, not wanting to let them go.

"Why am I alive here then?" I ask, glancing around, then back to them.

"You have a choice to make"

I look up in the doorway to see Arthur looking over at us, a smile playing on his pale lips. I smile to him, then look back to my parents, as they nod, agreeing with Arthur.

"But... Chose?"

"Yes, you ninny!"

I look over, to see Fred standing in the doorway with Arthur, his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his lips.

"Fred" I whisper, as he sits at the foot of my bed, placing his hand on my right ankle.

"In the flesh.. Well sort of" Fred says, letting out a low chuckle, as Arthur comes to sit behind my Father, placing his hand on my left ankle.

"Funny..." Arthur says, sarcasm clear in his voice. Fred rolls his eyes, before looking to me.

"I thought it was funny" Fred says under his breath, causing everyone to laugh at his remark.

"Yes, you have to choose.." My Father says, more serious now. I look to him, then to all the other faces staring at me.

"But how do I know what's the right choice?" I say, as a small girl walks in. Her braids are down to her chest, and her freckles are brighter than before.


"You'll know.." She says, standing beside my Mother, who takes her hand with her free one. My Mother smiles to Harley, as she looks back to me.

"We will all be here with you. Every step of the way" My Mother says, and everyone around me nods, agreeing with her.

I smile to them all, then look down at the swirls on the quilt, debating my answer.

"You alright?"

I look up to Arthur, and smile.

Even when he's away, he still makes me smile.

"I just don't know what to do. I could die with the rest of you and finally be happy.. Or-"

"Or you can go back, and finally kill Voldemort once and for all!" Fred says, and everyone around him throws him a glare.

"What? I'm already dead. What else is he going to do?" Fred says, scoffing, before looking back at me.

"But seriously.. What are you going to do?" My Father asks, and I look from everyone back down to the quilt.

What am I going to do?


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