..Two Words..

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After the holiday's had passed, I was so glad to know that Draco was finally coming back to school. It seemed like ever since our blow out in the Common Room on Christmas, my small circle of friends wanted nothing to do with me. I tried talking to Arthur about what Ginny said, but he wanted nothing to do with me. Neville always told me he was sorry but Ginny needed him more. But what about me?

I was alone.

Minus the holiday's being gone, the snow didn't budge. It's like it's hanging around till Spring came. The months slowly dragged on, and before we knew it, it was Feburary. Two months and thirteen days, no contact with Ginny, Neville, or Arthur. Two months of listening to those demented thoughts swirling through my brain, and nothing is there to help control it.

I recently went to Madam Pomphry who wanted to put me on a potion to help me sleep at night. She said that since I had very bad anxiety, that's one of the main reasons I can't sleep at night. But the depression is much worse. I agreed with the potion, only to try and help better myself, but it didn't stop the nightmares. It didn't patch up the hole in my heart where my three, well six friends once stood.

I walk hand in hand with Draco as we head out the double doors and down to the boat house. I remember being down here with Draco, sneaking in to make out or to just spend time with one another. It feels like ages ago, and yet here we are. Even though all of this darkness is trying to close itself in on me, he's here to help me in anyway he can.

We walk towards the water edge, hand in hand. Draco picks up a pebble with his free hand, skipping it across the waters surface. I watch as the pebble bounces up and down, before finally plopping in the water, causing water ripples to form in its wake. I smile as I look to Draco, who seems to be lost in thought.

"You alright?"

He looks to me suddenly, flashing me a fake smile. I've been around him long enough to see what's fake and what isn't. He nods a small nod, before looking back out to the water, letting out a soft sigh.

"Tell me again what Weaslette said to you.." Draco says, letting go of my hand, and crossing his arms over his chest. I watch as his chest rises and falls, as he takes slow and steady breaths. I bite my bottom lip, as I let out a sigh, and roll my eyes.

"I told you everything she said. I don't know how to put it in any other words other than the obvious ones..." I say, rubbing my face with both my hands, letting out a sigh. I look up to Draco, as he lets out a soft laugh. He shakes his head, before looking to me.

"She says all this-"

I cover his mouth with my hand, as he rolls his eyes. "It's done and taken care of. Just drop it, okay?" I say, waiting for him to nod. To give me some indication that he's understood my request, but he doesn't.

"Draco, I don't care about what she said. It didn't even phase me.." I say, cringing on the inside at what I said was a complete lie. It hurt me more than anything and our friendship is completely ruined. All because of my loud mouth, and obnoxious boyfriend who's a Death Eater. What would Dumbledore say?

Draco shoves my hand away from his mouth, as he walks past me and towards the entrance to the boat house. He turns around to me suddenly, and I shiver at his harsh look. Those gray eyes that were once so warm and comforting to me, now somehow stood guarded and unfamiliar. Cold and dark. Distant. 

"You know, all of this could of been avoided if you weren't friends with Potter in the first place" Draco spits, and I shiver at his harsh words. What's he saying? Is he really blaming me for making friends with Harry?

"Draco, what are you-"

"And it's not like my family wants me to be with someone outside of my house. I mean, you..." He pauses, looking completely different than the Draco I'm used to. I catch my breath in my throat, waiting for his next words. But when they hit, I didn't expect the pain to sting as much as it did.

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