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Today was the day everyone was leaving for holiday, and I was still staying here. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all wanted me to go with them, but I told them I wanted to stay here this time. I had a lot of studying I wanted to catch up on, and I wanted to spend some time with Dumbledore. Neville also had decided to stay back this time as well. Said he needed to spend time catching up on his Potions work and he still needed to finish a couple essays. He said Snape gave him the creeps.. Don't blame him honestly. 

Hermione understood why I wanted to hang back this time, but insisted I walk them down to the carriages so they can go back to the train, and I did. I mean its the least I could do. As we made our way down to the carriages, I made sure to look around, making sure to spot Malfoy. I was not going to stay back with him this year. We finally reach the carriages, and we all stop, looking to one another. A lot of the students were in a hurry to get on the carriages, but my group wasn't. They were more worried about me being here alone. 

"We just don't want you to feel like we are leaving you for good" Ron says, sulking a bit. "I'll be fine Ron. Its just for two weeks. What could possibly happen in two weeks?" I ask, giving him a genuine smile. He nods slightly as Harry snorts. "Well, a lot could happen, actually" He says, staring at me. I rolled my eyes at him, before looking at him. "Harry, I'll be fine. You guys don't need to worry about me. If you do, you'll just ruin your holiday and I don't want to do that to you" I say, patting his shoulder, before Hagrid calls for them to get on the carriage. 

Everyone had already gone, it just left us four. We looked to him, then back to one another. "Now, go on.. You don't want to miss the train" I say, taking Hermione in a hug first. She giggles softly, but hugs me back. Next was Ron, he still didn't want me to be here alone either. But after a lot of reassuring him I'll be fine, he finally gave in and hugged me. Lastly was Harry. We had grown so close in the past year. After our break up, and growing distant, I thought we'd never fix this patch between us. 

Harry still was having nightmares every night. He would get Hedwig to tap on my window, signaling me when he woke up. And every night, I would make my way down to the Common Room, to talk to him about it. Lately, he's been okay. I told him if anything changes, to let me know ASAP. I wouldn't be able to be there this holiday, but he can still talk to me about it. I'll always be here for him, no matter what. 

After we all had our hugs, and round of goodbyes, I watched as they all boarded a carriage, and watched as it slowly pulled off. I gave them all one last final wave, before turning around, and making my way back up to the castle. 


"Ah, Ms. Matthews. What a pleasant surprise" Dolores Umbridge says, as I open the double doors, and make my way into the castle. "Hello, Professor" I say, holding my tongue. "Your not with the others on the train?" She asks, and I hold back from rolling my eyes at her. "No, I'm not visiting my family this year" I say, trying to go around her but she steps out in front of me, blocking my way. "No family to go to, I presume" She says, smiling at me. 

What the hell..

I turn to look at her, my eyes turning into slits. "What did you just say?" I ask, stepping towards her. Alarm takes over her features, as she steps back, grabbing a hold of her clipboard. "W-Well, I just assumed that you didn't have a family to go to.. That's why you stayed here" She stumbles on her words, before standing up straight, and looking at me. 

"If you must know.. I do have a family I can go to. I just chose to spend more time here... So if you don't mind, I'll just be on my way" I spit the last bit at her, before storming past her, and stalking up to Dumbledore's office. 

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