..The Last Horcrux..

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"They're dead!"

I hear the crowd around us gasp, as someone drops my body to the ground. I try my hardest not to make a sound, as the fall really did hurt. I hear someone scream, as Voldemort pronounces us both to be dead, and it takes everything I have in me not to laugh.

Ha, if only you knew..

"Harry Potter and Rose Matthews are both dead. Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore are also dead. So now, you all belong to me.." Voldemort starts, and I feel someone walk past my body.

" 'is 'an't be 'happening" Hagrid says, and I hear how close he is.

I wonder where Harry is.

I don't open my eyes, not wanting to blow my cover incase another Death Eater is standing close to me.

"They can't be dead!" I hear Seamus yell from the crowd, and Amycus laughs beside me.

"Yes, boy.. They are. Here's your proof" Amycus says, before jabbing her toe in my side. I wince to myself, but stay still as Amycus hovers near me, before I hear her annoying heels click against the stone ground, and closer to the crowd. 


I hear someone shout my name, but their voice is so far away to be recognized. I lay there, listening to the way my heart is hammering inside my chest as Voldemort speaks again.

"Now it's time for anyone who wants to join or alliance to please step forward, and live" Voldemort says, and I listen as no one moves. 

But then...

There's footsteps.

"Ahhhh, very well... Thank you Ms. Parkinson, for stepping forward and joining your family" Voldemort says, and I can hear Pansy thanking him, before standing near me, but not close enough. 

Of course, Pansy would join. 

I internally roll my eyes, but continue to listen as it stays quiet. 

"Draco..." I hear Draco's Father trying to plead with his son to join them, but it stays quiet. I mentally make a note to thank Draco, if we live through all this. 

"Anyone else?" Voldemort asks, and then there's another set of foot steps. I go to scold Draco, but then stop when I hear that it's not Draco, but Neville.

"Longbottom, is it?" Voldemort asks, and its quiet. 

"Come to join the big boys?" Voldemort asks, and I can just see his sinister smile that he always wears. 

"I'd like to say something" Neville says, and I hold my breath, waiting for my friend to start his speech, and when he does, I internally do backflips at his bravery. 

"People die every day. Friends, Family. Yeah, we lost Harry and Rose tonight. But they are still alive... In here..." There's a pause, and I assume, he's placing a hand over his heart, before he continues. "So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, Arthur, Harley, and so many others. They didn't die in vain..." Neville pauses again, and I hear Pansy whisper under her breath.

"What's he on about?"

"But YOU will. Because you're wrong. Harry and Rose's hearts did beat for us. For all of us..." There's another pause, and I hear the crowd gasp aloud. Then I hear Pansy whisper again..

"It's the sword of Gryffindor..."

I hold back my smile as my joy is filled once more. Neville has the sword. We are going to end this. I just know it. 

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