...Train Rides and Dueling Matches...

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The train ride seemed a lot longer this year. It was mostly filled with Ron chatting about how stoked he was to join the Quidditch team this year. Tryouts haven't even started and he's already saying he's apart of the team.

Since Harry is Captain this year, it wouldn't be hard for Ron to make the team, but then again, it is Ron. Ginny was still going to play Chaser. They needed to get two more Chasers, two Beaters, and Harry was still going to play Seeker. Seems like not a lot to do, but belive me, it was.

Everything still seems so odd ever since the day in Diagonalley.
Hearing the screams of Draco Malfoy terrified me for the boy. But it was his choice. But why be apart of that when you can be apart of something greater?!


I look around to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione all staring at me. "Huh?" I say, pulling myself from my thoughts. They all give me apologetic smiles before Harry speaks again. "Are you excited for the games this year?"

Ahh, the same topic...

"Yeah" Is all I manage to say, as I glance back out the window. I watch as the rain pattern dances on the window. The way it moves each time the lightening flashes on it.

I could still feel the eyes of my friends on me, but I really didn't feel like talking. Nothing to do with them, just personal issues of my own. I glance down at my arm, seeing the carving on it. The memory of that night flashing back into my mind.

Tiny bits of that night I can recall. Jane was there. Harry was chained to a wall and passed out. And Snape. Snape was there. But then nothing. And now all that's left was this scar. My finger traces each individual letter, causing goosebumps to arise on my skin. There wasn't any pain anymore, just memories.



I just don't understand. Why did she pick that word? I shake my head and pull my sleeves down, covering both exposed arms. When I look back up, Harry quickly looks away from me, suddenly becoming interested in whatever Ron was saying to him.

I glance over to see Hermione lost in some book. I glance to the title and roll my eyes with a small smile. Advance Potion Making. I stand up, grabbing my wand and cloak from the coat rack above my head. I'm quick to slip on my robe, keeping my wand clutched in my right hand.

"Where are you off to?" Ron asks, as he pulls out a game of Exploding Snackboxes. Everyone is now looking at me, and I give them a small shrug. "To take a walk. It's going to be awhile before we make it to Hogwarts" I say, pulling open the door.

Harry quickly stands up, his cards toppling to the floor. "I'll come with you" Harry says, grabbing his Invisibility cloak from the rack and joining me beside the door.

"Well, alright then. Hermione, do you want to play a game with me?" Ron asks, looking to Hermione with pleading eyes. Harry and I both look to Hermione, who gives Ron a small smile. "Oh why not" She says, placing her book down and going to sit on the same bench as Ron.

I look to Harry, who looks from me to the door, then back to me. "Let's go" Harry says, before slipping out the door. I look back to my friends one last time, before following him out the door.

I jog to keep up with him, a small smile on my face. We pass a few people, and the signs for the loo before I realized which way we were heading. I glance down and see Harry holding something in his hand. He kept swirling it around before shielding it out of view. When I look back up to him, he's wearing a look of determination.

"You're not just taking a walk are you?" I ask, not fighting off the small smile on my lips. Harry shakes his head, glancing to me as he slows his pace. "We're going to the Slytherin compartment aren't we?" I ask, knowing full well my answer.

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